Chapter 6: Life Freakin' Sucks

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First off I would like to dedicate this chapter to RMFireFairy! She is amazing at reviewing and a Fantastic Fairy Tail fan and a great NaLu supporter, so go and follow her!

Disclaimer: *sarcastically* Of course I'm Hiro Mashima! Even though I'm on a website for fan

fiction, where everything is FICTION, I own the manga and anime!

Chapter Six

Life. Freakin. Sucks!

-Gajeel, Happy, Levy, and Lucy-

"Damn! What the hell are these things?" Gajeel yelled as he used his leg to kick back the... the... Rock Thingies that were steadily coming towards them. Every time he smashed one, it just regenerated and each half became another one. Now the tunnel was full of them, and he couldn't stop them from advancing.

No, I am going to stop them, even if it means giving my life! Gajeel thought angrily. If I can protect her... Gajeel's thoughts trailed off as he glanced at the Solid Script mage, who was busily setting up runes around her sleeping blonde friend. He turned back around so he could focus on the problem at hand. Dammit! Why do these things keep multiplying? There must be some way to destroy them for good...

"Levy, is Lucy going to be okay?" Happy asked the working mage. He really wanted to make sure Lucy didn't die, on behalf of Natsu not being here.

Levy finished the runes, looked the blue cat in his eyes, and said, "Lucy is going to be fine, Happy. Don't you worry; I won't let anything happen to her."

And that's when it happened. The same black hand that tried to take Lucy grabbed Levy by the wrist and yanked her towards the wall. Levy and Happy screamed in response, and Gajeel turned to see what the noise was about.

"Gajeel! Help me before-" Levy cried as her head was sucked into the wall with the rest of her body. The only thing that remained was her outstretched hand. Gajeel dived for it and touched her fingertips as they disappeared behind the dusty brick wall.

That was when Gajeel lost it. His vision turned red and he lost all control. He didn't care about things anymore, and all he felt like doing was destroying something. He turned his head and the first thing he saw was the Rock Thingies, moving forward with caution. Perfect... Gajeel thought darkly.

"Gihihihi!" he laughed as he went in for an attack.


After Levy was pulled into the wall, the first thing she saw was a sadistic smile with a scar going through the left corner of it. The owner of the smile had tan skin, dark, brown eyes, and short blond hair.

"Levy McGarden, Luna Rosepark's ancestor... I see the blue hair still runs in the family," The person said while fondling a lock of her hair. She swatted his hand away and defiantly looked him in the eye, even though her chin was quivering.

"Archimedes... What do you want with me?" Levy said, an icy tone touching her voice. She had stood up to people scarier than this guy. Hell, Gajeel was ten times scarier than this guy!

"Oh? So you know my name? Good, that saves me from explaining myself," Archimedes replied. "That is not my real reason for kidnapping you. You, my friend, seem to know a lot about things. Now, I am going to ask this once, and once only. Is there a way to make Lucinda's descendant fall in love with me permanently?" Archimedes inched his face closer to Levy's until their noses were centimeters from touching.

Levy took a deep breath, raised her hand, and said, "Solid Script: LIGHTNING!" Archimedes was caught off guard, and a bolt of lightning struck him in an instant.

He scowled and pushed Levy through the wall, muttering, "I have no need for you anymore; Be gone, wench!"

Levy shrieked as she was pushed into the next room, where Gajeel had just finished destroying Rock Thingies, and was standing with his palms against the wall and his head down. He gasped as Levy fell into his arms, and he hugged her tightly, yelling about how scared he was and how she needed to say with him at all costs and how much he was gonna bash that bastard's head in if he ever tried to take her away ever again. Levy just sighed and put her head against his chest, content at the moment.

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