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"There here because you people still think your my family"she said looking at the potter family
"I don't know who you people are but she is my daughter I gave birth to her I raised her!"lilly potter nee evens yelled at the strangers

"You may have given birth to her but we raised her and we taught her everything she knows"Zeus stated seeing the broken look on the woman

"Okay in a different note why did you call on use here"Percy asked no one in particular

"Well you little girlfriend threatened my son and you are both one of those death eaters"James said recovering from his shock of the new comers

"Yes as mr potter said we need to speak about the matter of the threatening other students especially this particular student and the conspiracy of mr Jackson and miss potter being death eaters" Albus dumbaldoor said meeting the eyes of the adoptive mother of Ariel

"I can assure you that the children are not death eaters and never will be,and Ariel must have had a reason for threatening this student,but may I ask what makes him so special"Hera asked looking at Harry

"I am the chosen one"
"The chosen what"Jason asked glaring at the boy
"I am supposed to defeat a wizard evil called Voldemort"most people flinched at the names but the gods/Demi-gods all knew the truth of that fate full night


"Lilly he's here go take Harry and go"James yelled at his wife who grabbed there som but hesitated when she saw her toddler staring back at her with her glowing emerald eyes

"What about Ariel she won't survive him I don't think I can leave her here"she pleaded with her husband

"Yes you can Harry Is the one he wants take him and leave"James yell at his wife before leaving

"Dada"those words broke her father to here knowing she might not survive so he broke his own rule and went to his young daughters aid

"Hello princess daddy's here you fine everything's fine"he said as he made his way to the nursery and laser her in the crib just as Lilly had got there he vanished

She was confused as to how Ariel was here but chose to ignore it as he who shall not be named approached

"Please I beg off you take Ariel not my Harry please"she pleased with Tom
"How pathetic of you sacrificing your own child"and with that he knocked her out before turning to the two children

He send the killing cures at Harry but Ariel got in the was then all of a sudden Voldemort was gone and Ariel had a snake scar on her upper arm from the hit

Harry in the other hand was struck by a pice of glass and started to cry and Ariel inspected the new scar on her arm just as James and Lilly had gotten up and cheated on Harry

"He did it my boy killed Voldemort"James cheered

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