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Olivia Reyes

Saturday. Week-off.

"I don't know how you like yours so I left the ingredients outside," Lando said as he took a spoonful of oatmeal into his mouth.

"Thanks," I replied, entering the kitchen with my computer under my arm and grabbing a bowl to prepare my breakfast.

I was still rubbing my eyes when I made my way down the stairs. Trying to fall asleep after everything that happened last night hadn't been the easiest task, no matter how exhausted I was. Besides, Gianna had called me up early in the morning to tell me we would be having an improvised marketing meeting with Davies and Lando in an hour. She'd been brief, and in any other circumstances, I most likely would've been able to fall right back to sleep and wake up 5 minutes before the meeting.

However, these weren't normal circumstances.

I let the warm milk soak the oats as I cleaned some of the strawberries and blueberries on top of the counter. The floor was cool under my socks as I prepared my breakfast and then sat on one of the stools in front of him. Lando was seated on one of the high stools of the kitchen island, eating spoonful after spoonful as he scrolled through his phone with furrowed brows.

"I'm kind of nervous about the meeting," I let the words out before bringing a spoonful to my mouth.

I could feel my body threatening to break into a sweat at any second. I hadn't dared to check my phone or look Lando's name or mine online, not even in the sleepless hours of last night. I was just too scared of what could pop up.

"They're publishing articles about it every 15 minutes," he replied, his gaze still glued to his phone, "but none of them have been terrible so far."

"I didn't know you followed what they said about the stunt so closely," I commented.

"Apparently the police was looking for the guy for drug dealing or something like that. Plus, it turns out he had already been blacklisted from almost every club in the city for inappropriate behavior with girls, so the press found out and they've been eating up that story," he continued, leaving me unsure of whether he had dodged my comment or not heard me at all. "So yeah, all the stories are different but the guy has been the target of most of them so far."

"I see," I replied.

A little less anxious, I took my phone out and searched for our names online.

Hero Girlfriend or Partner in Crime? Olivia Reyes — People.com || Can you think of a more qualified person to be your getaway driver than a Formula 1 driver?

My brows furrowed at the randomness of the headline, I wasn't even the one driving the car. Seriously, the things people said just to get a headline always left me dumbfounded. My phone chimed at the same time as Lando's, mine with a message from Gianna with the link to our meeting, and I guessed Lando had the same message sent by Davies.

We both grabbed our computers next to us and walked to the dining table, sitting on opposite ends of the rectangular table and proceeding to eat our breakfasts until all four of our faces were visible on each of our screens.

"Morning," Gianna spoke, to which Davies just nodded.

They both looked awful, if I'm honest. The dark circles under their eyes were even more prominent than the ones on my face and Lando's.

"Now, let's get right down to business," Davies added before he began scolding Lando.

He'd begun saying that his comment wouldn't take long because he wanted to speak privately with him later in the day, but he sure as hell must've forgotten it along the way. His jaw was clenched as he spoke, telling Lando how it was unbelievable that he'd done such a thing on his first appearance at a club in so long, and literally telling him that he "couldn't be there every second of every day to make sure his ass was wiped", so that he had to "grow the fuck up and acknowledge the stakes."

Faking it || Lando Norris LNOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant