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Sunday, Belgium Grand Prix

Excitement rushed through Charles' bones as he drove the two of them to the circuit. Olivia had decided against playing music in his car again, but Charles could see the ghost of a smile as she looked out the window. Sure, he'd be starting the race in pole position and was thrilled because of it, but his undeniable excitement had a different source.

"You look like an anxious golden retriever about to go to the park," Olivia joked as they walked through the paddock.

They wore their matching Ferrari sweatshirts over light denim jeans. A slight drizzle covered the track and team lounges, cooling the temperature of their surroundings. Charles laughed at Olivia's remark and tried to hide his searching eyes.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out between two lounges with their arms wide open.

"NO WAY!" Olivia yelled as she flew into Lena's arms.

"Mon Dieu, how I missed you!" Lena spoke against her hair as she hugged Olivia tightly. Charles playfully scoffed as their embrace came to an end. "Don't worry, my love. I missed you too," she smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I'm so glad you're here," Olivia's brows arched with gratefulness as Lena cupped her face with one hand and then pulled her into another hug.

As the three of them walked to the Ferrari Lounge, Lena told Olivia how she would only be in Belgium for a day or two because she was only stopping by before shooting her next campaign in the Netherlands. However, the truth was that Charles had begun to see Olivia slightly getting better and knew it was time to call for backup to strengthen her. Lena had barely landed in Belgium an hour ago and had no actual reason to be there other than to support Olivia. Her next campaign wasn't even in the Netherlands, but in the United States.

Olivia was thrilled that Lena was here. Her eyes sparkled in a way Charles hadn't seen in a while, and as the three of them entered the Ferrari Lounge, Lena and him shot each other a triumphantly complicit glance. The both of them had previously agreed they wouldn't see each other until the beginning of the summer break because of the tightness in both of their schedules, but this quick reschedule had definitely proven to be worth it.

"I brought donuts again, by the way; just don't let Santiago see th—" Charles began.

"Olivia! Your helmet's here," Matt called out as they stepped inside.

Olivia's eyes had just widened at the mention of donuts when suddenly all color drained from her face. Laying on top of a table in the lounge was a bright red helmet with black stripes and white details. The Ángel de la Independencia statue was drawn on the back part of it, standing tall and majestic as details of gold accentuated the figure. The number 7 was graffitied on the top, and even though the color red predominated through the design, the black stripes and shadows of the angel made it look like nighttime.

Like speeding through Mexico City with the windows down during the night.

Lena and Charles looked confusedly at each other while Olivia's jaw dropped. She couldn't tear her eyes away from it as a prickling feeling took over her skin.

"I—I..." Olivia began. It suddenly felt like her brain had overloaded.

"Did you get a custom helmet done?" Charles asked.

"Charles..." Lena whispered, only for him to hear. Her brows were furrowed as she studied Olivia, trying to piece together what was happening.

It was beautiful, and yet...

It was haunted.

All of it.

"Thanks, Matt. I-I-I'll wear my usual helmet, though," Olivia tried to force a smile into her face before disappearing into the room of her strategy meeting.

Faking it || Lando Norris LNWhere stories live. Discover now