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Olivia Reyes

Wednesday. Mexican Grand Prix.

Key findings from these last couple of days include:

1) Lando likes to draw in the mornings.

Is it weird that that's my first key finding? Is it weird that I consider it a key finding at all? God. Alright, enough with the questions, I'll just get on with it.

On Tuesday morning, I got out of bed extra early. I was thinking about Lando's gesture during the last few days that I stayed at his place and how he'd left out the ingredients of his granola breakfast, and I thought I might do the same thing as well. My mom had always taught me to ask before grabbing anything to eat at someone else's house, and so she would've killed me if she found out that a guest staying over at my place had woken up earlier than me because it meant that they'd probably been hungry and wondering when I'd wake up to ask me if they could grab something to eat.

Keeping that thought in mind, I got out of my room extra early to make sure things were ready for breakfast, or at least to be there to assure Lando that he could take whatever he wanted from the fridge or pantry. However, I was quickly frozen in place as my eyes landed on him, already up and sitting on my living room couch.

I didn't even have time to be embarrassed that I'd woken up after him, or to think about how maybe he'd been up for half an hour already and —just like my mom always envisioned— wondering when I'd wake up so he could ask me could finally grab something to eat. My eyes had landed on the way his brows were knitted together and the way his gaze was packed with concentration as he drew on his sketchbook.

The wall in front of the couch was completely made of glass, and so the rising sun flooded the apartment with soft yellow light as Lando's hand moved quickly through the page, tracing the city into the page, and sat around a dozen of different pencils.

I was taken aback by the sight. I could see the sketch of the city from where I stood, and even though it was all grey-colored like the pencils surrounding him, the drawing was coming to life.

A wave of anxiety started rushing through me as I found myself wanting to stay there, to keep watching him draw.

I snapped myself out of it, closing my room's door behind me loudly so Lando could tell I was walking out of it. He shut his sketchbook swiftly, shoved all of his pencils inside the pocket of his hoodie, and then intertwined his hands behind his neck, resting on them over the couch in a relaxed manner.

"Morning," I let out a slight laugh as we locked eyes.

"Morning," he smiled back at me.

"Will I ever get to see you drawing?" I squinted my eyes at him, playfully teasing how obvious it'd been that he was drawing without letting him know I'd seen him for a couple of seconds before he realized.

"Not if I can help it," he raised his brows with a smile.

I made my way to the kitchen with a smile on my face only I could see, but despite how "normal" said interaction had been, here comes key finding number two.

2) We're kind of back to avoiding each other.

It's different than it was at his place though. More organized and less angry. We share a smile and exchange a little bit of small talk every time we walk past the other, but both of us know our brains are working overtime trying to figure out how to avoid the other.

After breakfast on the same Tuesday morning, we had our marketing online meeting with Gianna and Davies, and just like back at his place, we joined it from two different computers, both of us sitting on the same couch but at opposite ends. The meeting went smoothly. Both of our schedules were packed, but with solo activities as with activities that required both of us.

Faking it || Lando Norris LNWhere stories live. Discover now