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Tuesday. Week off.

"The media could've slaughtered you!"

"But the media loved it!" I laughed as I set the phone on speaker to wrung my hair over the kitchen sink.

It was true. The media had loved it. My living room TV was on as Lando switched through the channels in awe. Footage of us was splattered all over it as the TV hosts laughed and zoomed in on our lit-up faces.

"And what about the motorcycle crash, huh?!" Gianna kept raising her voice.

"The dude left his bike on the sidewalk to join us! God! It was all good fun. Everyone had a great time!" I said through my smiling as I slipped out of my wet shoes.

"But what if he hadn't!? This would all be a different story! This was reckless and stupid behavior!"

"But nothing hap—!"

"You know what? We'll address this later," Gianna snapped. My eyes widened, and I immediately turned to Lando in the living room as I bit my nail, smiling anxiously through the scold. "Enjoy the week off, and stay the hell away from trouble."

I stopped biting my nail as soon as she hung up right after her final words. My finger was still inside my mouth, and my brows were up as I stared at Lando. I double-checked my phone. Yup. She'd hung up.

After five seconds of silence, right on cue, we burst laughing.

In her defense, it hadn't been our best idea. We could've chosen to do many of the things we'd planned for future dates. We could've gone to an aquarium, karting, taken a trip down Xochimilco, made a road trip to a nearby city, or even visited one of the 150 museums in the city.

But no, Gianna had sent us an early text message saying she wanted us to do something out in public.

"I'm gonna call her," I'd said hours before, puffing my chest and brimming with new-found confidence. "I'm gonna call her right this second and tell her we're no longer doing dates she wants us to do. I'm gonna do it. I swear. I'm going to—"

"Waitwaitwait—" Lando had jumped over the living room couch and snapped the phone away from my hands.

I'd furrowed my brows at him, full of confusion. We'd just talked about doing that exact same thing yesterday, but now Lando had my phone inside his hands and stared at me with an unreadable expression. At first I thought he was chickening out, but then his indecipherable face morphed slowly into a mischievous smile. That's when I remembered I was dealing with Lando Norris. Chickening out wasn't part of his vocabulary.

"She wants us to do something in public, huh?" He cocked a brow at me. "I have an idea."

In a swift motion, my phone and car keys were in his hand as he rushed to click on the elevator button. I was frozen in place, silently deciphering if his "idea" had anything to do with sex in public due to the devilish tone in his voice. But that's when he said.

"Where's the nearest toy store?" He asked with a broad smile as I walked over to him, quickly pulling his phone out of his pocket and beginning to type on it.

"The nearest what?"

As soon as I was next to Lando, the elevator doors opened. He placed a hand on one of the doors to keep it from closing and held up the screen of his phone for me to see.

water gun fight @ angel de independencia. see you in 30.

bring your weapons.

My jaw dropped to the ground. I looked back up to meet Lando's eyes. The tweet already had three thousand likes, and the number was increasing every second.

Faking it || Lando Norris LNWhere stories live. Discover now