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Tuesday. Belgian Grand Prix.

"Marketing meeting. Now," Gianna commanded through the speaker. "My room. 732."

"Right now?" I yawned.

I dragged a hand through my face as I separated myself a few inches from the phone. "It's urgent!" Gianna's raised voice was like a whisper because of the distance. The bright light made me shut my eyes immediately, opening them gradually until they adjusted. 6:27 AM.

"How can anything be urgent at 6 in the m—" I protested.

"Olivia!" Gianna scolded. "What is it with you? Come over, now." I could see her furrowed brows even without looking at her.

I got out of bed and hung up the phone, feeling like a complete corpse at such an early hour. Besides, the jet lag kicked me in the stomach like a bitch, and my alarm was set for 9 AM. I mourned the missing hours of sleep and threw on a pair of shorts before leaving the room. Gianna's room was on the other end of the hallway but still on the same floor as some of our team's engineers, Charles, and Lando —both of which hadn't arrived in Belgium yet, I think.

"Here," I said as I closed the door behind me and balled both fists to rub my eyes. I was still wearing another oversized graphic tee I always used for pajamas and sleepier than a hibernating bear. Walking felt like being underwater and my eyes struggled to adjust to so much light. "Where's Davies and Lando?"

"The stunt is off," my eyes had finally barely adjusted enough to see Gianna stop pacing across the room and spit the words out.

I furrowed my brows and dropped both hands to my sides.

"The stunt is what?"

Did I hear that right?

"I knew we couldn't ask this much from them," she slapped a hand against the wall and resumed pacing, "I told them this was a fragile, fragile thing we were dealing with! I should've known they were bound to fuck this whole thing up."

"What are you talking about?"

"Davies had already called to warn me but I didn't think he'd be stupid enough for there to be pictures of it! For fuck's sake!" Her voice grew louder and louder. "I should've fucking known we couldn't trust him."

"Pictures of what?!" I raised my voice to interrupt her, getting tired of not understanding a damn thing.

Gianna walked over to the coffee table between us and grabbed her laptop, opening it sharply and then smashing her palm against the table before turning around and covering her face with both hands.

The sound of the exasperated sigh that followed was so loud that the table could've crashed without seeming to make a noise, but it hadn't been loud enough to muffle the sound of the only thing more fragile than the stunt breaking.

My heart.

Because there he was, in full size and resolution.

With another girl's lips on his and his hand on her hip.

Gianna's pacing slowed down in front of me and her rant became an undistinguishable muffled whisper. The whole room was underwater from one second to the next with how slow time suddenly began going. I was in an infinite tunnel where the only thing I could see was the bright screen in front of me, the image growing sharper and sharper in front of me.

The image of Lando's black t-shirt tightly hugging every curve of his muscles as he reclined against a black SUV, the darkness of the night surrounding him and only being lit up by a distant streetlight.

Faking it || Lando Norris LNWhere stories live. Discover now