The Assassins

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I then followed Tamayo and Yushiro to a wall but they walked right threw it. I followed them and there was a house I never realized was there.

'A blood demon art?' I thought

We then went inside and sat down in the basement.

"Explain, why are you the only demon against Muzan," I asked 

"He turned me into a demon without my permission, but I could break free from his control by some stroke of luck. Since then I have been living off of Human Blood only given by donors."

"... What about the other kid?" I asked again

"He was terminally ill when he was a human. I gave him a choice to either die with his humanity or he could keep living as a demon." 

"Wait... you can turn people into demons?" I asked

"Yes. Since I am a doctor I was able to find a way to turn people into demons," Tamayo responded

"I see. Well, how can you help against Muzan?"

"If you can get me the blood from the 12 kizuki I can make a poison that will be very effective against him. I am a doctor after all." Tamayo said

We then chatted about the details for a bit, and right when I was about to leave there was a loud thud upstairs. We all then ran upstairs to see that everything was destroyed and a massive hole in the wall.

I then looked outside and saw 2 demons. one had six arms and had a Temari ball and the other one had eyes on his palms.

"Susamaru, this looks to be the kid," the one with the eyes on his palms said

"Yea! let's make the master happy and bring him his head Yahaba!" Susamaru said back

'So Muzan sent these guys after me,' I thought

I then charged at the demons and said "Love breathing sixth form: Cat-legged winds of love."


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but before I could Yahaba's eye on his hand opened super wide and I got sent flying backward.

"HAHA! demon slayer, you look pathetic!" Susamaru yelled as she threw a Temari ball at me. I quickly jumped up and dodged it only for me to get sent flying into the house by Yahaba's ability again.

"Tanjiro!" Tamayo yelled out

"He died just like that huh? I guess he wasn't anything to worry about after all," Yahaba said as he walked toward me to get my head.

Then I muttered, "Love breathing Fourth form: Direct Love" as my Katana easily sliced right threw the demon's head super fast.

"What? that was a dirty trick you brat!" Susamaru yelled

"So what? all is fair in war," I said as I easily got back up and dusted the dust off of my clothes

I then looked at Tamayo who seemed relieved that I was ok and Yushiro seemed upset that I didn't die yet

I then charged at her with my sword and started to slash at her with her now being on the defensive.  "Love breathing first form: Shivers of first love," I said as I easily cut off all of her arms and went for her neck only for her to barely dodge. She then backed up to make some space between us.

"I'll make you pay for killing Yushiro!" Susamaru yelled as she threw multiple Temari balls at me which I dodged easily by doing flips and such

I then said "Love breathing second form: Love Pangs"

I then said "Love breathing second form: Love Pangs"

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Easily decapitating her. Afterward, she then started to cry again right before death

'Now that I think about it... could it be that once demons are on the verge of death they rediscover the humanity that was taken away from them?' I thought

It made sense considering that if Tamayo was the only demon that escaped Muzans control and kept her humanity, that once a demon was on death door Muzan no longer controlled them and they regained their past selves.

"Tanjiro are you ok?" Tamayo asked while running up to me

"I'm fine, no injures,"

"Thank goodness," Tamayo said back

"Well, I'm sorry this happened to your house but I got to go now so I hope to see you around," I said in a monotone voice before leaving.

"Lady Tamayo! Are you really going to help him? you saw how he treated you when you first met. he's only keeping you around because you're useful! Once you no longer provide use to him I'm sure he'll kill you!" Yushiro said

"Yushiro... you have to remember that we are not humans anymore, even if he only wants to use me I still want to defeat Muzan


"Listen, I have had a ton of experience with people in the past but Tanjiro is a first for me, but something about him just seems... sad. It feels almost like he has lived a lie his whole life." Tamayo said calmly

"What do you mean living a lie?"

"Even though we only spent a few hours together he never once showed emotion. He never once got angry or happy he just seems to function off of pure logic, I imagine that that would cause issues for his family so he had to pretend to someone he wasn't without getting the real him out," Tamayo said sadly

"..." Yushiro didn't say anything back. He knew that he had tried to kill them before but he knew that to do that it must have been logical and not angry. Even when Tanjiro saw Tamayo for the first time he didn't see her as anything but a demon.

"I hope that while I will kill Muzan, to also help Tanjiro accept himself and not hide it. To finally show him the emotions that he is missing so that he can truly laugh and smile." Tamayo said

'I wish you luck Tanjiro. I hope we meet again soon.' Tamayo thought before going back into the destroyed house.

(With Tanjiro)

"CAW! Go to Mount Natagumo! There you will find demons! CAW!" my raven called out

'Another mission... Hopefully, I can get a break soon,' I thought as I started making my way there.


Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The fight with the two assassins could have been done better but I didn't really know what to do in that fight to make it super thrilling so I decided to go the path of Tanjiro playing dirty to win. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I will Hopefully see you guys soon!

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