The Final Battle Begins

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When I woke up the next morning I was surrounded completely. I had Shinobu and Kanao next to me With Tamayo, Aoi, and Mitsuri all laying on top of me.

I laid there for a minute before Tamayo finally woke up "Oh, good morning Tanjiro,"


"How mean. Can't you even say please?"

"No, move,"

"You're no fun,"

With that she got up and was about to leave.

'That's one of my problems down,' I thought

With Tamayo gone though I had just enough room to squeeze out and left. It was early in the morning but I needed to get to the master right away so I figured he wouldn't mind.

I went up to his house and knocked on the door. Once again one of his kids answered it.

"Can I speak to the master?"

"...You may," He said with a bow

I met up with him in his room just like we were before

"Here is the TNT. Place it under this rooms floor. Also do not leave this room at all,"

"I understand," He said with a grin

I was about to get up when I remembered I had something I wanted to ask him "...How can you throw away your life so fast?"

"Hm? Didn't I already tell you?"

"You told me an answer that I would accept about you not being able to live long. What's your real reason?"

"...Tanjiro what do you think your purpose is in this life?"

"To live," I said without hesitation 

"I see. Good for you that you figured yours out, however for people like me we live all our lives without knowing. When we finally feel that we have a place we feel like we must do it, for that is our purpose,"

"So your purpose is to die to injure Muzan,"

"No, My purpose is to die helping the ones who helped me all these years,"

"They're the same aren't they?"

"Same action different meaning. Tanjiro you say your purpose is surviving which is fine, but please, even just a little when this final battle comes watch over the rest of my children. And I don't mean just biologically. All of the corps, I want you to be head after I pass,"

"No thanks, have your kids do it,"

"hehe, I figured you say that. Then please protect everyone to the best of your ability,"

"I can't promise that. You know how dangerous this last battle is,"

"I see... Well thank you for giving me purpose," He said with a smile.

After that, I left. 3 weeks flew by and while I was sleeping the night of the battle finally came

(Kagaya POV)

I was sitting alone in the room as I had been for the past 3 weeks when all of a sudden a figure appeared in the shadows.

"This is what the last figurehead will look like," He said he stepped forward and it revealed Muzan

"Of course, you have seen my face haven't you?"

"You know what is going to happen to your precious family right? I'll slaughter them all, and who knows a few might beg me and become upper moons,"

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