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Wow so who actually has the new app Periscope. I'm literally loving it! It's like a live chat.

Charlie " Oh okay so how does this work again"
Charlie" Please stop laughing and come help me "
Dom*gets up*
Charlie" All I can see is loads of message right now and they all saying hi, Hiii people"
Charlie" Oh Dom they are all going crazy because you are here "
Dom" Your doing it "
Charlie" What "
Dom" You just talk to the camera and reply to comments "
Charlie" Okay and these hearts on the side "
Dom " That means loads of people like it "
Charlie" Okay so still loads of comments im going try and read a few out "
Charlie" Dom say hi to Jess "
Dom" Hi Jess"
Charlie" For any of you who are watching and are just thinking who is this guy this is my crazy cousin Dom "
Dom*smiles at the camera*
Where are Rocky and Ollie?
Charlie" They are in the garden with us playing "
Dom*gets up*
Charlie" Dom where are you going "
Charlie" Okay I think my cousin gone to get one of the dogs"
Charlie" Wait if I turn the camera round you will be able to see"*turns it around and Dom is on the grass*
When are dad and Ant going tour again ?"
Charlie" I don't know that tour took a lot of planning and it was a lot of fun I want to do it again but I don't think it will be anytime soon "
Where are my dad and Ant?"
Charlie" They are actually in the pool we are actually at my Aunties house and we are all in the pool because it's such a nice day "
Charlie" Wait" *gets up*

Charlie" Dad "
Dad" Yes hey be careful with that thing near the water "
Charlie" Dad your on periscope "
Dad" Oh hello" *waves*

Then the whole chat suddenly spams*

Charlie" Everyone is asking you to follow them on Twitter and keeps saying hi"
Dad" Hello"
Ant" What are you doing "
Charlie" Periscoping "
Ant" Hey "
Charlie" I think this app might crash "
Charlie " Dad say hi to GeorgieWelby "
Dad" Hello Georgie "

Charlie" They want to know when you are going to do another tour "
Dad" Maybe not this year and maybe not even next year "
Charlie" Sorry, so this is my first periscope I hope you like it "

Charlie" Hey look who Dom has got" shows Rocky*
Charlie" This is Rocky my dad's dog and the scruffy thing over there is my dog Ollie "
Dom*holds Rocky*
Charlie" Getting loads of message for Rocky now "

Charlie" Too much of a cuteness overload from katelyn "
Charlie" What do you think Rocky "
Rocky*looks away*
Charlie" He isn't bothered, we are going to go but we will back bye "
Dom" Bye "

Charlie" Say bye Dad "
Dec" Bye" *smiles and waves*
Ant*jumps* Bye"

Okay so short Fic on the new app periscope which I'm loving at the moment! I hope you like.

Rate and review it means loads!
Please and thank you!
Fictionally_Famous38 x

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