02 - Moving Day

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One week later || 3:00pm

You listen to your alarm ring for the 5th time this morning and wake up. You've been hitting snooze over and over again. You stayed up until 10am packing because you procrastinated until 3am despite having had the boxes out and ready for days. Yes 10:00am and not 10:00pm

The furniture you chose to take are: 

Little off-white shelves that attach to the wall, a black 90x90 cm coffee table, a couple of small drawers, one black and one white, and a couple of light grey bean bag chairs. You didn't end up packing all your clothes due to the limited storage of the drawers. Along with that and other essential and useful items, you packed a few personal items like framed photos, books and little trinkets with sentimental value. You've arranged for the movers to arrive and put everything else in storage today at 3:30pm. It's 3:00pm.

You fly out of bed after checking the time on your phone. You begin stuffing the last of your stuff into boxes, hoping you'll have it ready before the movers taking the stuff to the storage unit arrive. You're frantically throwing things into boxes and you flinch when you hear a loud crash. You turn around to see your lamp in pieces. You grab a trash bag, separate the still intact light bulb from the mess and throw all the pieces of lamp into the bag before throwing it into the bin outside. You dash back into your house and check the time. 3:26pm. You run to the boxes, tape them all close and stick some "Fragile" stickers on them, not really sure if they really do contain fragile items or not. It's 3:31pm and you're dragging the last of the boxes to the entrance of your house. You're wiping off your sweat when you remember you're a radiant with water powers and so you use your hydrokinesis to remove the sweat faster. You then hear the doorbell ring.

You take a deep breath and answer the door as casually as possible. You remember you're still in your pajamas and your hair is all messed up but it's too late. You just roll with it anyways. The movers look at you, confused at why you look like you just woke up. They quickly stop staring before it becomes rude and get to helping you with your stuff. They carry and load them into the van  one by one.

They finish placing your things into the van and drive off. The van taking your stuff to the rendezvous point will arrive at 9:00pm so you take the time to finally get ready and eat some breakfast... well actually more like a late lunch or even an early dinner since it's almost 5:30pm.

 You've already sent all your dishes and silverware off to the storage unit so you order a large pizza, with your favorite toppings. About 10 minutes later you hear a knock at the door, it's the pizza guy. You take the pizza to your living room which is now unfurnished and littered with boxes of your stuff. You find a a flat rectangular box to use as your table while you eat your food. You place the box of pizza onto your new table and start devouring your pizza.

Your halfway done with your third slice when you get a notification from your phone. You pull it out of your pocket and read the notification. It's from your best friend asking for updates from Italy since today was supposed to be when you get back from your trip.

5:37pm || Besto Friendo :) : SO how was Italy

5:37pm || Me: 

5:37pm || Me: 

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