04 - Agent Rain

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3 months later

You're walking to the canteen for some lunch while listening to some music on your phone. You get a sandwich and sit down at a table. It's been a few days since you finished your grueling training. Ever since then you've been eagerly waiting for an assignment. You're the only one in the canteen since most of the agents either are on missions, go out to eat or eat at a later time. You're reading a novel on your phone as you eat when you're interrupted by a mission alert from Brimstone. Your first mission!


You realize that Killjoy's on a mission there and run to your room to get changed, leaving the rest of your sandwich in the canteen. You violently open the drawer containing your suit and quickly put it on. You dash out of your room and to the hangar containing the Vulture. There you see Phoenix and Viper all geared up. With no time for greetings, as soon as they see you they sprint into the aircraft and you follow suit. You all pick some guns from the Vulture's armory along with your sidearms. You grab a Phantom, Phoenix picks up a Vandel and Viper takes a Bucky.

"E.T.A?" You ask Viper

"3 minutes."

You arrive on the site and the Vulture's door opens. You, Phoenix and Viper hop off before it lands and the aircraft, on autopilot, returns to base.

"Finally! About time you showed up!" Killjoy exclaims over the communication systems.

You're on the computers and you pick up some gunfire in Killjoy's area. You notify Viper and she responds to Killjoy.

"We're picking up gunfire! Did you locate the spike?"

"That would be a yes." Killjoy responds.

The aircraft moves closer to the ground but doesn't land and the door opens. You all hop out of the Vulture and the aircraft flies away to another location on autopilot.

"Stay close, weapons ready." Viper says after landing

"I was born ready." Phoenix responds

You're all checking corners, ready to shoot as you make your way to Killjoy's position. You hear Killjoy's sentry bot shooting and so does VIper.

"This way." Viper directs you.

You make it to Killjoy's location, still ready to shoot and she waves at you motioning to come to her position. You all sprint over to the spike which is inside of a large container.

"Hey, take a look." Killjoy says, handing a device containing data to Viper.

She takes a look at it and says "It's stealing radianite from the environment... How do we stop it?"

Killjoy takes out the defuser she's been working on and says, "I'm on it."

Viper examines it and says "You'll need a Radi-Core to power the heat signal"

Just then, the mirror agent returns fire to the sentry bot and it explodes.

Phoenix positions himself at the other end of the storage container and says "I got this."

"Phoenix, wait!" Viper shouts at him

It's too late. He exits the container and returns fire to the retreating mirror agent. You hear him running after the other agent and Viper says:

"Wait here, I'm going after him."

"No, you're needed here. Help KJ find a solution, I'll go get him." You say as you near the exit of the storage container. 

Viper nods so you sprint to Phoenix's position and on the way you hear explosions. He's made contact. You near them and you hear Phoenix say

"You should see your face."

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