03 - Cadet Rain || Part 1

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30 minutes later || 5:00am

Your phone is ringing and vibrating on the floor. You wake up angrily until you realise it's your first training day. Using anticipation and excitement to motivate you, you roll out of bed and crawl to your phone. You turn off the alarm and stand up. You grab the box with your mission suit and open it up as you walk to your bed to sit down. You sit and lay the pieces of your suit on the bed. You put on the skin tight wetsuit and then the utility belt. You spend a few minutes trying to figure out how to put on the chest-plate and then you put on your shoes. You tie your laces and pick up the mask. You leave it in the box as you don't think you need it. You then pick up the gauntlet, which is way lighter than you had originally thought. You stick your hand into it and start posing your hands and taking pictures of the gauntlet.

It's 5:13am and you're walking to the locker area for some coffee and then to learn to use a gun. You turn the corner and see that killjoy is on her computer playing League of Legends, Raze is spray painting the wall and Jett and Phoenix are still there, arguing over who's the better shooter. You go up to Killjoy to ask where the coffee pots are.

"Hey Killjoy whe- "

"Not now, I'm busy." She says seriously, cutting you off.

You're about to start talking again when Raze stops you.

"Don't mess with her flow, Rain. Her bots start giving you funny looks after that, just ask Brimstone." Raze warns as she continues to spray her name into the wall.

"Okay, a tad bit dramatic. Anyways, can you show me where the coffee is?"

"They're right over there." She says, pointing at a table with a coffee machine, coffee pots, pitchers of milk, packets of cream, sugar packets and cups.

You walk over to it and make a pot of coffee. You stick your hand over the pot of steaming liquid and generate some ice to cool it down.

"Oi, Rain, you're supposed to add ice to it after you pour it into a cup. We share those. Cool suit though" Phoenix says, seeing what you're doing.

You pick up the pot and drink it all in one go. You put the pot back and sit down waiting to feel energized. Phoenix and Jett are looking at you with concern. 'At least they stopped arguing'.  You think as you notice them staring. Brimstone walks into the room carrying a large case and you see Killjoy's turret point in his direction. 'Raze was right' You think in shock. You thought she was just joking before seeing that.

"Alright Rain, I'm gonna start you off with some pistols and at the end of the day, you'll receive your new schedule. Sorry that everything's happening so fast but as of right now we're heavily understaffed." He says as he opens the case.

Inside the case are five guns of varying shapes and designs along with magazines filled with ammunition. The labels next to them read Classic, Shorty, Frenzy, Ghost and Sheriff. You look at all of them with wide-eyed. You look at them for a few more seconds before picking up the one labelled Ghost.

"Alright, take off your gauntlet and let's see what we got to work with. Once your aim improves, you can try shooting with it on." Brimstone says, gesturing in the direction of some targets on the wall at the end of the hall with shelves full of the device mirror Jett was carrying.

You shove your gauntlet into your locker and walk back over to Brimstone. You look at the gun in your shaking hand. The caffeine is finally kicking in. You steady your hands and aim at a target. You get what you think is a clear shot and pull the trigger. You feel the trigger click as you release. You hear a click. That's it. Nothing else.

"Is it broken?" You ask

"No, It's just empty. Here let me show you how to load." Brimstone says

Brimstone shows you how to load the gun and gives it back to you. You raise your shaking arm as you regret not pacing yourself on the coffee and aim but you hesitate to shoot.

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