05 - Fugitives

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2 weeks later

You, Phoenix, Jett, Raze and Killjoy are walking down the hall, on route to the hangar to hop on the Vulture and fly to Six Flags Magic Mountain in Los Angeles, California. You turn the corner and bump into Brimstone. As soon as he sees you, Phoenix and Jett, he turns to the couple, looking angry.

"KLARA, TAYANE! What did I say about bringing OUTSIDERS to HEADQUARTERS! I don't give two shits about who they are and how you know them, GET THEM OUT. I warned you two last time that there would be harsher consequences the second time. Get in my office NOW!" Brimstone shouts. Your disguises were apparently very, very convincing contrary to what you originally thought of them.

Phoenix is wearing a red baseball cap that covers all his hair, some bright blue contact lenses, a black tank top, a pair of light gray shorts and a pair of red converse. Jett's wearing some blue tinted glasses with circle lenses, a brown long-haired wig in a braid, a black short sleeve hoodie, black sweatpants and some sneakers. You're wearing one of Killjoy's beanies, some white headphones around your neck, a loose fitting dark gray T-shirt, black shorts and white slip on Vans. You're all carrying bags to carry your stuff.

You're all snickering at Brimstone's outburst which makes him angrier.


None of you can contain your laughter anymore and after a bit Jett finally manages to say something.

"Chill Brimstone it's us."

"We wanted to go out so we put on disguises so that the public can't recognize us." You explain.

"Oh... Have fun, just be back before curfew." He says jokingly.

You say bye to Brimstone and enter the hangar. The doors to the Vulture open and you all walk in. Killjoy sets up the GPS to take you to pick up Nori, of course in the middle of nowhere. You all toss your book bags, backpacks and miniature backpacks into a corner near the armory and sit down as the aircraft takes off.

You text your friend that you're on your way and that you'll be there in 15 minutes.

Killjoy pulls out a tablet from her bag and begins "So, who wants to reorganize the Morocco missions data with me!? Great way to kill some time, Ja?" with a smile on her face.

Phoenix and Jett look at each other and Phoenix makes an excuse

"Uuhhhhhh... I actually have to uhm... walk my fish." He says almost like he's asking a question

Jett rolls her eyes and comes up with an excuse of her own.

"The Duolingo bird keeps harassing me to continue my uh... Klingon course so I should probably go do that."

You then make your own excuse

"I should run Nori through the plan more thoroughly." You say as you pull out your phone from your pocket

Killjoy raises a brow slightly annoyed but also amused.

"Okay then." She responds and looks over at Raze.

"Oh uh, Killjoy, meu amor, I hope you understand but organization isn't really my thing, ya know? Sorry." She says apologetically, unsure if Killjoy would be disappointed or not.

She then pulls out some earphones and her phone and opens up a music streaming app.

"We can listen to some music while you work on it though." Raze says as she hands Killjoy one of the speakers.

Killjoy takes it and puts it in her ear and Raze presses play. She rests her head on Killjoy's shoulder and pulls a comic out of her bag as Killjoy gets to work reorganizing. Jett pulls out a pack of cards and Phoenix and Jett start playing a game. You connect the headphones around your neck to your phone and watch some YouTube videos.

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