chapter seven 🕷️

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It's been 2 whole weeks since Tanjiro was gone. I, ofcourse had one mission during these 2 weeks, I was standing in my balcony, looking at clouds and different types of birds.

"What was that cloud's shape?"

I was staring outside with nothing better to do anyways, when a different crow came, it was Tanjiro's crow..

"Kamado Tanjiro, was severely injured during the battle between the sound hashira,Uzui Tengen and the upper moon six, Daki and Gyutaro!"

My heart dropped,what if he isn't able to handle the pain and...NO NO THAT CAN'T HAPPEN!! I NEED HIM!!

I ran as fast as my muscles could.

"I gotta be quick! QUICK!!"

I had finally made it to the butterfly mansion, I banged the gate a lot of times until that blue butterfly girl came and opened it, "Are you a maniac or something-?" I didn't care about what she had to say, I pushed her away and ran for my Tanjiro.

There he was in the bed, bandages covering his and body, "what happened to you Tanjiro..?" I said as I burst into tears.

"Fro-m next time I- wil-l go w-w-ith y-ou!

I am never gonna leave him alone, ever again..


"Ayo!wake up you sleepyhead!" I heard someone call out to me, I had fallen asleep right next to Tanjiro.

"Move I have to change his bandages!" The blue butterfly girl said, "You could stay if you'd like but it doesn't really matter!"

I decided to stay and sit a bit far from Tanjiro's bed, the girl took of his bandages one by one, I was trying my best not to look because everytime I looked at him..I blushed like crazy- but in the end did get a few glances of his chest.

"Wow, his chest has a lot of scars, more than I had imagined it would have" but seeing those fresh wounds also made my blood boil, "Nice thing that demon is dead or I would have killed it myself..."

After the bandages were done, I went back to where I was sitting and kept looking at Tanjiro, when will he wake up..


It's been two weeks..two weeks since Tanjiro haven't even opened his eyes..

Shinobu-san had said that due to how severe the injuries were,it will take a while for Tanjiro to wake up from the coma and she still didn't knew how long it will take the injuries to recover, though everyone knew Tanjiro recovered fast so it wouldn't take that much time,but I was still worried..

I would always visit him everyday, sometimes even sleep there if it went to dark.


" here..?"


"HE IS??"


"Caw caw! Kamado Tanjiro is awake, that brat is awake!"

My crow yelled, I couldn't believe my ears..he was finally.. finally awake!!



"There in his room, jeezzz"

I ran towards his room, "TANJIRO!! TANJIRO!!"

"" he said weakly as he smiled, I was happy to see him but then again my eyes filled with tears, idk if they were happy tears or tears of sadness.

He closed his eyes again, I panicked

"Did he went into a coma again???!!"

"Yea maybe, it will happen for a few days, he will come and go out of consciousness"

I was happy, after a week, Tanjiro was all fit and fine though he still had a few wounds but he said he could go on missions now, I had to go to the swordsmith village because I had to get a new sword and my past swordsmith died, So I also had to go there to see who was my new one.

Tanjiro was also assigned with a mission from what Mitsuri-san had said.


"Give me the keys.."


"Don't you know, that you are wasting a pillar's time, and A pillar's time is more precious than you swordsmith's time so stop wasting it and give me the keys"


"Fine"  I said as I knocked him out, I didn't do it that hard so I knew he was still awake, this brat of a kid was getting on my nerves..

I felt something grab my wrist as I turned around to see who is was, it was Tanjiro..

He didn't have the sweet expression that he always had, he was angry..

Was he angry at me..?


Ok..he was clearly really angry at me

I let go of the kid and he ran to the kid, hugging him to check if he was ok, I felt a bit jealous.. that should have been me he was hugging so closely..

He got up and started telling me that what I did was wrong and I just knocked him out too, I didn't wanted him to give me lectures and I got tne keys from the kid anyways, I went towards the doll and put the key in his back, I trained for a while, the robot was pretty strong.

After I was done, I saw both of them standing looking at me, I just pretended to ignore both of them and walked away, I still couldn't believe that Tanjiro had yelled at me, I didn't do anything wrong, did I?

{A few weeks later}

Tanjiro was sleeping with his sister in his arms, I wish it was me..

I pinched his nose so he could wake up.


"Do you know kanamori?"

"Huh oh yea I do! I think he is with Haganezuka!"

"And if you want I could go with you to where they are!"

"I just wanted to know where or with who I could find him with, you can go back to sleep"

"Oh no no Tokito-san, I just wanted to see if they were ok and help you"

"Tanjiro..why do you always help others, even risk your life for it?"

"Well, helping others,comes back to you at the end of the day"


"And nice timing, I was gonna go get my new sword too"

"Repeat what you said"

"Huh me, nice timing?"


"Hey Tokito-kun, did you hear that?"


"A demon..."

{Ok- this chapter took me awhile to write because I am not good at writing fighting scenes and remembering the dialogues correctly so I will only write what I can in the next one then it will get better 🦥
Anyways bye bye!}

•°^word count: 1118^°•

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