00 - Bio

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Role: Duelist

Main Abilities: Water Wall: This wall lasts for 6 seconds and is not see through and is made of water. It can curve and is the same length as Phoenix's wall. Anyone who walks through will be stunned for 3 seconds.

Geyser: you punch the ground, facing the direction you wish to attack, sending a row of geysers with the same dimensions as Breach's "Fault Line" ability in that direction shooting enemies in its path into the air.

Hurricane: You generate and shoot water into the sky which forms a large cloud sending a hurricane the same radius as Reyna's leer at the enemy, near-siting and decaying them for 4 seconds.

Hose 'em Down (Ultimate): You fill your gauntlet which you receive in "Moving Day" with water. It'll take 3 seconds to fill completely. You aim your arm at the enemy and spray them. The water will be under such high amounts of pressure that when you spray, you can harm and eventually kill. This lasts for 8 seconds.

Other Abilities [Will update as the story continues] :

Invincibility: You go into the water-like state you go into when using Hurricane and while in that state, anything smaller than you can pass through you and vice versa.

Icicle: An orb of water you generate and throw. It can bounce off 1 wall before landing . It remains a puddle for 3 seconds and begins to freeze and grows around the legs of anyone standing on it, freezing them in place for 3 more seconds.

Water Blade: You send a thin form of water at an enemy or object which is sharp enough to cut through it

Relationships/connections to people [Will update when a new agent come's out]:

Killjoy: Close Friends

Raze: Friends

Phoenix: Friends

Jett: Close Friends

Brimstone: Friendly Boss/Employee relationship

Sage: Friends / Radiant power mentor figure

Cypher: Well Acquainted/ He helped Sova make you learn chess

Breach: Share a mutual friend (Raze) / Acquaintances 

Chamber: Neutral / You know he blew up the Everette-Linde research facility and had something to do with the boat in Breeze and he knows that you know

Neon: Friends

Fade: Friends

Reyna: Well Acquainted / Radiant power mentor figure

Sova: Friends / He made you learn chess

Viper: Well Acquainted/ Professional coworker relationship

Yoru: Friends / He's kinda just there at gatherings being emo and introverted for his first month at the protocol until you and Phoenix work up the courage to talk to him.

KAY/O: Friends / He mentions that you and all the other radiant agents were evil in his timeline every 2 seconds

Omen: Friends / You and his cat may or may not be closer than you and Omen

Omen's Cat: Close Friends

Skye: Well Acquainted / The  hour she wakes up at is unholy and it intimidates you

Astra: She's nice but you rarely speak

Nori [My character] : Childhood Best Friend / they helped you get through finding out you're a radiant

Your Mission Suit: Ta-Da

- Gauntlet used to enhance your powers

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- Gauntlet used to enhance your powers

- Utility Belt

- Bullet/Blast Proof Chest-plate

- Wetsuit

- Sound Absorbent Sneakers

- Underwater Breathing Mask

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