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Everything happened around three in the morning. And just as he promised, Jimin got you out. He made it seem as if it was a mishap caused by him, taking all the blame. The gang, even if they refused to believe a single girl escaped their clutches, it's not like they could retrieve you in an instant.

So as you pass by Jimin's classroom the following morning, you noticed the ugly bruise contouring his once perfect face. Those are consequences caused by his actions.

Although you refuse to feel sorry for him, he did help you get out. If there's one thing you've come to know during this experience, it's that there's more to Jimin than what he's projecting.

When you got home, your father barely batted an eye. You bet he'd care less if he saw you on the streets, pooled with blood.

Aunt Mira on the other hand cried when she knew you made it back safely. She's picking you up later after school. You'll be staying with her for a couple of days.

Jungkook and Iseul today were nowhere to be found. And while class started, Taehyung kept sending you firm glances. Lunchtime came and you were dragged up to the school rooftop. The warmth of the breeze that glides down your skin reminds you the hot season has finally come. 

"Okay. You're gonna have to be honest with me okay? Where the heck were you? How did you get this?" He lifts your arm and folds down your hoodie sleeve to reveal a purple ring around your wrist. "And you better not leave any details." 

You push his hand away and flicker your wrist, casually kicking an invisible stone. It's enough that you've had to experience such an incident. Recalling every detail will just kill you all over again. "I ran into a little trouble."

He waits for you to say more. But when all you do is shrug, he scoffs in disbelief. "I think I know what's going on. You're trying to cover for him, aren't you? Just because you think of him as a friend, Y/n, doesn't make him any less dangerous." Taehyung's smart enough to conclude you've been kidnapped. You don't have to say it out loud. A moment of silence sets in before he looks at you strangely. "Don't tell me.. Don't tell me you have feelings for him?"

"Now wai-"

"Unbelievable." He cuts you off, clearly agitated. "You're gonna let him get away with it aren't you? Just because you like him? Because if that's the case, then you're sick."

He's talking about Jungkook isn't he? He thinks Jungkook's responsible for your sudden disappearance. But he's got the wrong person. 

"I can't believe you let go of your dignity all because of a single guy. You're pathetic."

Before you can say anything, he walks past you, bumping your shoulder in the process. The silence that follows is louder than a raging storm. It's suddenly hard to breathe. What just happened?  You sniff, looking at the horizon as you wipe a tear away. A smile cracks your face. But it isn't the happy kind. Rather, it's the pain coming from your heart surfacing. 

Later That Night

A familiar face showed up at your workplace. This time, you're the one approaching them first. Yoongi has been gazing in front of the massive fridge, contemplating what to pick for about three minutes now. 

"This one's mixed with chamomile. Guaranteed to get you to sleep." You say as you take out a bottle, handing it to him. Yoongi looks confused at first, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh thanks. Are you alright?"

"Whether I'm alright or not, it doesn't really matter. My father hates me. Taehyung thinks I don't care about myself. Jungkook's getting blamed for something he didn't do because of me. And just a few days ago, I got kidnapped and now I have to deal with this trauma for the rest of my life." Words pour out your lips as you blankly stare at a distance. On top of that, you have to swallow everything in because food won't come without cash. You don't know why you're telling him these. And why it's so easy to open up to him. All you've done is pushed him away. But here you are. Pouring your emotions to him.

You look down and chuckle, realizing something. "Taehyung was right. I am pathetic."

"No, you're not. Because the real pathetic ones are those that keep their feelings to themselves, thinking they don't need anyone in this world." He nudges his chin. "You're a brave one if you ask me. The things you told me just now? It would have taken others months to let it all out. And you did it in one breath."

"I guess you're right."

Yoongi hums. "If you don't mind me asking. You said you were kidnapped, right? Do you know why they did that? How did you escape?"

"They're trying to find someone. And they assumed I knew of their whereabouts." Again, why are you easily telling him this? Maybe it's because he has this aura that makes you feel safe for some reason. "Shin Taemee."

Yoongi stiffens for a moment. "Shin Taemee, you say?" There's an odd shift to his movements. He looks bothered. 

"Yeah. Do you know her?"

Yoongi avoids your gaze, drawing more suspicion. Then again, if he's Jungkook's brother, then that would mean he's at least heard your mother's name at least once. Something in the air shifts. One that causes chills down your spine.

"Yeah." He says almost hesitantly. " She used to work with my father."

Sorry, Im An Anti-Romantic | JJKOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz