chapter 13

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Tj and Wendy was getting ready to go out here a nice dinner he went out to warm up the car but after several minutes of being out there she started to wounded what is keeping him couldn't wait any longer she gone to check on him gasped at the moment when someone who wasn't tj opened the door then walked in with several other men's she wanted to know who they was and why have they came into her home but most importantly where is tj what has been done to him.

My name is Eric west and i am here in your home because i have a big problem with your son and the rest of your family you are going to tell him that those who have been hurt or has lost their life is forever in his name and the very beauregard name i want you to watch this and be thankful it isn't you who is in his place.

Tj was brought in soon after he is threw on the floor heard how they brought this upon their self she tried to stop them begged them eric cuts tj like someone cuts a pig up in tj finals moment he looks and tells Wendy i love you Wendy she holds his lifeless body and she kisss his forehead and then layed his body to rest by the old tree in the back yard after a one last goodbye there is nothing keeping her in georgia she goes to be with the only family she has left all the time she had to think the only thing goes through her mind is you brought this upon yourself she was welcome and soon after getting there were told that dale wasn't himself do to the head wound he had gotten she seen him sitting in the living room in that same old chair watching tv with his grandson not knowing who the child is most times lucille tells Mrs beauregard dale thinks it's 1989 the year that lucille was asked to be married to dale They are still between 18 and 23 year's of age she could sometimes talk to her husband and he would be himself and other days he wouldn't or couldn't talk because of the painful headaches and remembering memory's that were painful and lost over the years.

I don't know Wendy he thinks tammy is our first daughter have to keep telling him what year it is and who our grandson is most days he is himself and other days the headaches make him sleep.

Mrs beauregard.
It's good to see my son has a new hand and an glass eye the new look is a start but you have to also be strong for this family tj was murdered before me and dale is not himself at the moment behind every strong man is an even stronger woman i think tammy Wynette said it best when she said stand by your man lucille stand by your man stand by him .

Lucille does just that by his side like the song stand by your man she prayed for him to get better for if anything had to him no matter what he has done or has put her through she loves him maybe in a few weeks he will return to himself before eric trys make against them.

Eric couldn't stop thinking about how his body and mind didn't stand a chance when he had been manhandled couldn't stop thinking about how out of all the girls he has had over the years gaga was the one who gotten away and broken the control that were once over her and the client who he called ( t) was becoming restless wanted gaga and wanted her now .

I have payed a total of 50 thousand dollars to half of a million over the past 3 year's the girls you have given me so far will not do They are not the one i want so you have 72 hours to bring me the one you call gaga or i will take my money else where and you will have lost a very big client and a great deal of money Eric are we clean.

I know how much money you have spent and those are some of the most top dollar girls in america won't find anyone else anywhere else I am working on getting gaga back just wait but if can't just try your luck somewhere else then.

After their meeting eric called and told his boy's They are going to find gaga no matter what it may  take he has 72 hours to get her back or t is going to walk the bloody brothers They normally don't handled getting people back alive when they do some kind of a job it gets very bloody really fast so now they have to remember not to kill gaga she is needed alive not dead the bloody brothers have their orders and without saying a word they set out to carry them out will destroy anything in their way
Tammy never really went around dale when he was the way he was she couldn't stand to see her father that way doesn't know her or even think tammy is herself and is the first born daughter she tells herself it's only for a few weeks but it's really heartbreaking to see him like that but  gaga thought there was another reason and when they were alone she asked what it was.

I know you don't trust him like before but at less you can try to show you do still care not running off and hiding
He isn't himself now and you need to be there to show him that his daughter still loves her father .

You have a lot of room to talk you were doing drugs how do you know who i do and don't trust I'm not running off and hiding anywhere gaga you have no idea how hard it is he thinks I'm fraulein doesn't know what the year is so don't talk to me about running and hiding.

Gaga told tammy that she better wake up and realize who she has in her life today for tomorrow They may not be there for nobody knows what tomorrow holds tammy wants to be there to help and make  sure the man  who made sure she had a roof over her head and food in her belly with a loving and protecting hand have everything he needs until he gets better and well .

a father love for his daughter part 2 Where stories live. Discover now