chapter 21

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The next morning she had cooked her father a special breakfast from the kitchen to the library where he was at  sitting and having a glass of scotch she leaned over the chair he could see how she looked and stooded
Didn't think much about
It only thought tammy was
Worried about gaga being where
She was never thought his daughter would have tried and kill him
After having said morning breakfast
Dale leaned across the desk feeling sick and as he leaned across said desk his hands clenched into fist's and fist's slammed on said desk as he fallen backwards and for several minutes wasn't breathing on the floor face turning white as snow lucille had appeared just in time she in engaged in c.p.r a minute later he would had died
No hospital was called
Or visited she called
An doctor to their house and was paid handsomely to keep the real reason off the record of why and for the reason the doctor was there.

Doctor Duncan.
You claimed he was already down on the floor when you had happened to appeared well i just don't understand even with c.p.r he should have died anyway your husband isn't a normal man but is lucky he will be on bed rest for several weeks isn't strong enough yet to walk or do what he normally does.

A wave of relief came over lucille she was happy that he was alive but also frozen in terror for when he is strong enough to talk and do more then talk he is going to want to know who in the hell had poisoned him and rest a sure there will be no rest under their roof until he knows the name of that person she fears since tammy is no longer a little girl and they are the only ones in the house who could have done such a thing lucille remain quietly as he head was spinning and tried to make some sense and to know why their own child would do such a horrible thing

Lucille wasn't surprised to find tammy in the attic standing there trying to open the chest turned as she gotten the feeling of her mother standing before her lucille had appraised tammy calmly.

I will not apologize for what happened to him .

You will hold your tongue or i will remove it I may not be your real mother but i have loved you as my daughter and although that has been said i can't let this go or you unharmed.

I have always loved and seen you as my mother although your not my real mother and we are not of the same blood he and i are for someone told me that he is my real father this is between me and him stay out of it.

Your forgetting one thing i can be just as evil and mean as he can be don't want to apologise for almost killing him so be it have it your way.

She launched herself at tammy
Tammy grabbed her by the throat both
Had mailed to get up started to punch the other one painfully both had gotten injuries tammy put up a good fight
But yet wasn't a match  for lucille she given a kicked and tammy made athud screamed out in pain as making said thud she had broken a couple of ribs although they were fighting no mother wants to kill her child the doctor was once again called and given a Payday to stay quietly about this matter for she had taken a bad Fall and that is all that happened
Tammy awoken and seen lucille sitting by the bed in an chair asked has she came back to break even more bones for what she tried to do
But lucille had something to tell her
Daughter a story about what once  happened to her at the hands of dale once in time along time ago.

After we was married he use to in prison me sometime in the attic and basement threatened to do unspeakable things to me he would become outrageous when i would not do my job as a wife would focused himself on me or focused me to do things i felt uneasy doing like yourself i tried once to also kill him found out after doing so that i made things worst for myself over the years i had just learned to live with him.

I have and been speaking to my brith mother she is the one who me he is my real father and something else he set the fire and they were in a relationship as well I am so sorry just had so much anger thank god he is all right I can a sure you i will never do anything like that again but what if he asks or thinks it was me then what.

Your father is old fashioned but don't admit to anything he might ask don't answer if it's possible i will take the blame and if possible answer for it we will never speak of this ever again he can't do anything to me that he hasn't already did.

It's not what he has already done to her it what he might do to them if ever found out what tammy tried to do and what lucille is hiding from him

Although never were said out loud tammy didn't know what came over her after listening to such a crazy and wild story she wasn't in control of what happened don't know if it's real or fake just that over the years she has seen him do her mother wrong focused her to stay and has threatened her with unspeakable act's maybe she done what lucille couldn't have done but one has to ask was that a stupid move to make lucille can't believe what she has done never was that kind of person to hurt another then she remembered who and what kind of man she is married to there is no justice a Matter of fact the word justice has no place in this book it's too good of a word but hell is perfect and what it come to it  Norma has gotten what she wanted tammy poisoned and almost killed the man who she prayed to God each night that he would give up and come back to her.

Jonathan i want you to make sure she comes to our side of the game do whatever it going to take we are running out of time she is already 18 years old by 21 if we don't have the papers in order that is it i want what I am owed.

The trust fund can't be touched by tammy until she turns 21 years old we have more than enough time to get every cent of what your owned just keep on telling her those beautiful lies and in no time we will be rich.

Norman was the queen of lies
Never told a word of the truth just lies a liar who lived in an world where she had thought that she is owned something but really she doesn't know where the lies stop and if the truth ever did start or were told once it funny because she didn't want her daughter but the trust fund now that is a different story all together.

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