chapter 23

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She is at a certain age in her life where she is grown and has put childish things in the past has a fair share of near death experiences it seemed addly to have escaped steven and joy but this time is different from the others she could never really connincingly lie to all those around here better yet to herself
Tammy struggled to look in the mirror
And not gasped at what
Her back looks like the
Horror and the expression as
She had touched the very
Mark's how she screamed
Out in pain as an tear rolled down an an gut wrenching terror came across her tammy leaned to
Listen and never back talk have finally
Figured out as long as you
             Play by his rules there is no need
              To worry about or be fearful of
                     Getting beaten or worst now if the rules are broken and ain't thinking  and your not  listening well
Things could get ugly fast
She has seen More than once before
How dale goes off the rails how his knuckles would tighten
Convulsively and you immediately of thinking of one thing
Your either about to get knocked out
Or someone else about to get it
She remembered one time how her father was silent  death silent and looking at this guy she was surprised and was able to move or say anything when he was like a grizzly bear on a elk
How the tone of his voice could be the fear
In those with an heart of stone continued to break said heart of stone

Tammy doesn't talk or say a word to dale for several weeks because of this serious Matter
He told lucille it was different for him as once her age he was absolutely by a bull whip almost every day at that age
For dale didn't have an angel growing up for he gotten over 40 mark's Over the age of 18 .

You have killed anyone who threatened this family what if
I threatened
To run off
With another man then what she is slowly recovering for what you did was way out of line.

Those who have threatened my family
Is dead because they made a
Big mistake
And i won't kill you just can make sure
You never say those words again
When i break your jaw.

You can't make her going through the same pain
You did as a child let her make those mistakes and let her Lean from them
She isn't like you dale
Can't walk through the fire's of hell
And came out
On the other side
Unharmed I'm running the show
Now we do things my ways.

Ha ha ha ha your running
The show now
Do it your way all right but remember a few things now sweetheart
Your running things now but
Just like with Steven and joy
I put them down
And before the Coldest hour
Of dawn i want to hear you
Say it
Once again to put them down
Just like all the rest.

She knew deep down he was right
And they couldn't stay mad at dale for if it wasn't for him
They couldn't make it for the world isn't a perfect world it is mean and cruel They don't have what it takes to make it without him
Lucille might be running the show
But she has a feeling before the Coldest hour of dawn she will tell him once again to hunt it's time for you to hunt and take care of those who has threatened their family
Four days later they was getting ready to have jed first birthday party alone with getting the cake which taken dale sometime to get for he didn't know which one to get gaga was all better and coming home on that same day but what nobody knew was that Norma planed to stop by
And when her and lucille came face to face it was a blood bath she wanted to know why tammy has not called her back or stopped by to see her mother norma tried to have focus tammy to sign those papers of letting her have the trust fund and everything else lucille seen it and Mama came to do more then just talk pop's her knuckles and pulled her by the fake hair on her head she could and did attached and Causes some harm after she told lucille that the reason she lost her other child was because she didn't say anything to dale when he made her drink with him lucille puts her in a headlock and just attached and Causes so harm like never before the fake hair went a flying
Several hours later dale comes in singing a common man
With an cake in hand said sorry it took so long we had stopped and picked up some k.f.c for dinner tammy came downstairs to tell them what happened dale asked two things is lucille all right and if by any chance it was gotten on video may had cowboy boots on but boy could he have ran up the stairs before going in he puts his hat in to see if she is still mad it comes flying out of there he slowly walks inside to check on her.

Sweetheart you all right heard about what happened i gotten some k.f.c if that helps don't think it does
Look back then i didn't know if a woman was pregnant she sure not be drinking any kind of alcohol nobody told me that your not to blame i am.

They told me that i had a choice she was born with a birth defect that made sure she wouldn't have lived to be a year old but i didn't care brought my baby on home anyway
Was thankful for what time we did have she reminded me of how i lost Fraulein if i ever see her again I'll kill her i want to be left alone now.

He could hear her cry through the door respected her wish's about being left alone walks downstairs
Praying to the lord
She doesn't do anything to harm her
Because they knew how she can get all this matter not to long ago she had taken
A handful of pills but the next time someone is hurt or thinking of ending
Their life it won't be lucille who feels the pain of being apart of this family and feeding what the past has held on to she was back up against on a wall and these Walls would not fall for anything not even for a father love.

a father love for his daughter part 2 Where stories live. Discover now