the surface sucks, but i love it

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Tape #3 - the surface sucks, but i love it


"He threw this huge party for me. It was bigger than even yours, Kylie." I told them, as soon as they got back from their spring semester at Camelot. It was now late June, my birthday had been back in March. Nothing at all happened in the months between these events, don't worry.

     "Of course he would." Kylie responded with a roll of her eyes. They hadn't even finished unpacking yet when I told them.

     Kylie had loosely curled hair, like mine. Except hers was so dark it was almost black. You already knew a mermaid's eye color just by looking at their tail, so hers were burgundy. Her skin I couldn't tell if it was naturally darker, or if she just tanned more. Probably both. Her face also resembled our mother the most. Though Sofi and I's skin and hair color was closer.

      Okay, at this point I was really feeling like I was being kept in the dark from something, "What? What's going on Kylie?"

      "I don't feel like explaining it. It's stupid. Sofi, you tell him." Kylie raised her voice a bit so Sofia could hear her from her room. Kylie went back to unpacking her stuff again.

     Damn, she couldn't even tell me herself, huh?

     I turned to Sofia expectingly as soon as she swam in, knowing she had to stop whatever she was doing for this. She sighed to herself and looked around to make sure nobody was listening.

     Sofia's hair was straighter than Kylie and I's. Her eyes and tail were amber. Kylie and Sofi were both pretty skinny. Even though they eat whatever the Hell they want. Though the pretend to be all 'sophisticated' in front of anyone else that isn't me.

     "There are...rumors among staff that the king is trying to pass a law in parliament so that instead of it being the eldest daughter, it's the eldest son. Whatever gala he supposedly threw for you basically confirmed it." She then glanced at Kylie, and added, "It doesn't matter to me, though. I was never gonna rule anyway."

     Kylie barely finished putting some jewelry away before starting again, "Look Caleb, I'll have nothing against you if you do become the next king. It's just screwed up that he's trying to make me give up my right to the crown." So she and I are basically rivals now?

     I sat there, confused as ever. I don't like being confused, by the way.

     Well, nobody does I'd imagine, but especially me.

     I mean— why would he do that? It's not like I'm capable of running an entire fucking kingdom. And if I were to become king, I'd probably just hand the throne to Kylie anyway. Fuck that. The kingdom would fall within months with me in charge. I'm comfortable being the mascot, thank you very much. Besides, I don't want to go down I'm history as that one king in Enchantia that became a dictator.

     "Do you think he has something against you because of what happened to mommy?" I asked softly, trying to be as delicate with the subject as possible, so I get the most information that I can.

     She sighed, "I don't know. I wouldn't doubt it, though." She turned to me, "Have you gone to the surface yet?" 

     Oh my fucking God, not this shit...

     A pit began forming in my chest, already knowing what she'd try convincing me to do. But I shook my head anyway. She merely looked over at Sofia, and they gave each other a knowing look. "You should come up with us." Goddamn it, Kylie!

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