i witnessed a possession

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Tape #8 - i witnessed a possession


I'm going to be narrating this little event because believe it or not— I'm more relevant here than Caleb is, silly.

      After our little 'argument', I wanted to rip out that merman's tongue and ensure that he wouldn't be able to sing ever again. I was fantasizing about it for awhile actually. I really wasn't actually bothered by his talking shit, but I had to retaliate in some way— so when the opportunity presented itself, I did.

     Then, the next day, he had the nerve to invite me to his party that Friday. I debated the entire week of whether to go or not. But I wanted to see him embarrass himself in his own dorm, maybe even give him a small taste of Hell. So I ultimately went.

     After all the lectures for the day concluded, I already noticed a few students heading to that small building past the track and field. The nobodies probably had nothing better to do.

    I went to my dorm and changed into a t-shirt and some swim-shorts. There's no way a party is going to be hosted right next to a beach and people aren't going to swim. Maybe if we're lucky, someone will drown.

     I was going to use the bathroom, but judging by all the noise going on in there, Jessica occupied it. She gave up on trying to flirt with me long ago. But her mere presence is still annoying.

     By the way, the fire on my wings, isn't real fire. They're more like a decoration, I can even put them out if I want too— but I just keep them on because it heightens the effect I already have on people just by being a demon. I can also summon straight hellfire.

     An hour later I noticed a few more groups were heading in the direction of the beach. That was more than I expected, but whatever. He's gained a bit more popularity than I thought he would. What did he do, tell a manticore that they looked like a disease? Sing his little fishy song to everyone?

     I opened the glass door that led to my balcony, and I took off in flight.

     I hoped I wouldn't draw too much attention, but it's kind of hard not to when you see a person with a wingspan of twelve feet and on fire. Thankfully I didn't have horns at that time— that'd be so much worse.

     I gilded down moments later until I finally landed on his doorstep, and I smirked to myself when I imagined his reaction to me actually being here. I folded my wings inside like a bird so that I could actually fit through the door. I knocked and I was not disappointed when his friend opened the door, and I saw his expression from the couch. He looked like he'd been having a conversation with some angel with brunette hair with blonde highlights. I envied her snow-white wings at that moment.

     "Hello, Zac." I said in a fake innocent voice, then walked in before Jiliana had the chance to move out of the way. My shoulder brushed against her arm and I felt her shiver, despite my unnaturally warm skin. There were already about fifteen people here, all having drinks I assume came from the aged wine I knew almost all the royalty dorms had.

     I found a barstool and immediately poured myself the velvet liquid. There was not even a attempt to hide tension in the room. It was pathetic. But I knew that after everyone's had a few, they would calm down. It's the pattern of what happened at every party I've attended.

     Hours later, I was right. Everyone became super chill and a ton more people came. I even had a few more drinks. Not everyone was inside, as I suspected, part of the party was going on at the beach. There wasn't any music going on in here, but it was blasting outside. There was a recording of a football game that was played earlier that week on the TV. I don't actually come to parties that often. And I was a bit drunk.

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