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That announcement left room in shock for several minutes before Madam Bones was able to get control of herself and asked the young lord for proof of these crimes. Harry happily done so and provided the bank statements which implemented Ron, Ginny and Molly Weasley as well as Severus Snape. He also handed Madam Bones his ability list to show on the blocks placed on him by Dumbledore.

After the proof was submitted Madam Bones told him it would take her a month to build up her case against the headmaster and to make himself ready to testify when his day in court comes.

The next order of business would be announcing the young lord of 8 houses in the Wizengamot in such a way that it would leave Chief Warlock Dumbledore off balance as well as cripple the lights voting block as Dumbledore had been voting as proxy for the Potter and Gryffindor seats for the last 15 years.

When the meeting was finished hours later everyone was satisfied that at the Wizengamot meeting on the 21st July would be very entertaining if nothing else.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, supreme Mugwump of the ICW, Order of Merlin first class and Grand Sorcerer was seething in his office.

It started the evening the Hogwarts Express left for London. All of his devices that he'd been repairing since Potter had destroyed them in what he called a 'childish temper tantrum' (Ignoring the fact that the boy's godfather just died, Voldemort had tried to possess him and Dumbledore had finally told the boy the prophecy) suddenly stopped working.

Device tied to privet drives wards – stopped working

Device tied to the Horcrux in Harry's head – stopped working

Device tied to the multiple blocks on Harry's magic – stopped working

Device tied to the mail ward on Harry – stopped working

Device tied to Hedwig – Destroyed

Dumbledore immediately called for a meeting of the Order of the Phoenix. 15 minutes later the elder Weasleys, Kingsley Schacklebolt, Tonks, Remus Lupin, Professor McGonagall, Severus Snape, Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody, Emmeline Vance and Mundungus Fletcher had arrived in his office.

"What's this about Albus?" Growled the scarred master auror.

"I fear something has happened to our young Mr Potter" Dumbledore said in his fake sad grandfather persona.

"WHAT! BUT PROFESSOR WHATS HAPPENED TO HIM?! WHAT IF YOU-KNOW-WHO HAS HIM?!" Molly Weasley screeched out, not out of concern for the last Potter but because off all the work she's put into stealing the Potter fortune.

"Well seeing as Severus has not been called to the Dark Lords side yet it suggests that young Mr Potter has not been captured by Tom." Dumbledore calmly stated. "Now I believe this to be something of a rebellion on Mr Potters part so he'll either be at one of his friends' houses or in Diagon Alley. Arthur, Molly I would appreciate it if you went home and waited for Harry, and tell Ronald and Ginevra that if they receive an owl to tell you. Remus, Nymphadora" here Tonks' hair turned a vicious red "I would like you two to traverse Diagon Alley for the next week to see if he turns up there. Mundungus if you would watch Knocturn alley just in case, Severus alert me immediately if the Dark Lord calls you. Everyone else will keep a watch on Hogsmeade as well as Longbottom hall, the Rook (Lovegood house) and Miss Granger's house in Kensington." With that dismissal everyone went to their patrol routes in the hopes of Mr Potter.


"WORMTAIL! GET IN HERE!" Voldemort shouted out from his throne room in Malfoy Manor.

The door was shoved open as Wormtail AKA Peter Pettigrew ran through the door towards his master.

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