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As he was sorting through his trunk he felt a slight pull towards his magic again. Reaching into the back of the trunk Harry found Dumbledore's wand and the cracked ring. As he held the wand and ring in each hand his invisibility cloak flew out of the trunk an wrapped its way around his shoulders.

"Ah.. the heir of the third brother has united my gifts at last" drawled a cold voice.

"What gifts? Who are you?" Harry asked panicked.

The shadows in the corner of the master bedroom seemed to coalesce as the fire flickered out. "I AM DEATH YOU FOOLISH MORTAL!" shouted the form that seemed to morph from the shadows.

This figure wore a hooded robe with no skin or muscles, just bones for hands. In one hand was a scythe and in the other was a staff. This being released his powerful aura as he walked into the room.

Harry was slightly cowed by the show of power from this powerful being.

"Now as I was saying, you have united my gifts: the elder wand, the resurrection stone and my personal cloak of invisibility. For centuries mortals have called these items the deathly hallows with the foolish believe that possessing these items will give the possessor complete control over me! Those items were rewards for prevailing where others have failed! Gifts! Nothing more!"

Harry was still stunned by the revelations of the grim reaper as he continued.

"No, these gifts give the possessor nothing more combined than they do apart. The elder wand is still will always be the most powerful wand in existence. The resurrection stone can call shades of the dead to the lands of the living. And the cloak of invisibility will still hide you, even from my eyes.

"Right now I'm using the uniting of the gifts as an excuse to the higher powers to tell you something. Something that will change the outcome of this little war of yours."

"Really what is it?!" Harry asked, excited about anything that could help end this war in their favour.

"Patience young one. Now.."


It was early late afternoon the next day on the Hogwarts express and Harry had been quiet all day, barely acknowledging the other teens at all.

"..arry? Harry? Harry!" Susan shouted in his ear.

"Uh? Who? What? Where?"

"Harry, I've been talking to you for five minutes. Haven't you been listening?" Susie asked looking hurt.

"No, sorry Susie. I've just had a lot on my mind lately."

"Why what's up?"

"Not here Susie, I'll tell you after the feast"

The other 4 teens look worried at this but kept quiet. Anything that had Harry worried was enough to spook the other 4.


"Mr Potter! A word please?"

"Of course headmistress McGonagall"

The new headmistress lead the young lord into a side room next to the great hall.

"Mr Potter.. Harry, I would like to apologise for Professor Dumbledore's actions and assure you that I had no part in them."

"Don't worry professor, I never even thought that you would be" Harry said with a smile "Oh, before we go back I'd like to exercise my right as the heir of Gryffindor to a private suite for Susan Bones, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger and myself."

"Of course Harry, I'll take you there myself after dinner".

Dinner was a quiet affair, with the announcement that of Professor Flitwick was appointed deputy headmaster and Hagrid was proclaimed the new head Gryffindor.

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