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Lord Harry James Potter-Black-Evans-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Peverell-Le Fey-Emrys, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Supreme Mugwump of the ICW, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Grand Mage, Order of Merlin first class, slayer of Voldemort and Witch Weekly's most charming smile 15 weeks in a row.

'If Dumbledore thought his titles were bad he had nothing on me' was a common thought towards the end of Harry's life.

After the final battle school passed quickly. Harry, Susan, Luna, Hermione and Neville all got outstanding's for all their N.E.W.T.s and immediately set off into their careers.

Hermione joined the Department for the Regulation and control of Magical Creatures in her efforts to get House Elfs more rights. She knew from the elfs at Emrys castle that elfs survived on the magic of their masters so freeing them was a death sentence.

But that didn't mean she couldn't give them rights to ensure they are not beaten like Dobby was with the Malfoys.

A few years after joining the ministry Hermione caught up with Fred Weasley. Eventually the two started dating and got married in 2002 and had 2 kids; Michael and Annabeth.

Neville and Luna started an apothecary in Diagon Alley, using Neville's immense skill in herbology to prepare most of the potions ingredients themselves.

Luna and Neville would always spend a couple months a year going on expeditions for nargles and wrackspurts.

In 2000 they were married and have since had four kids; Alice, Frank, Selene and Alexander.

In the final battle it turned out that Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy were marked death eaters and were one of the first to be trampled by Neville in his animagus form.

Severus Snape was captured by Bellatrix Lestrange after he killed Nagini and she took him to Voldemort where Snape was held under the cruciatus curse for almost an hour. At the end of the hour Snape had been tortured into insanity and was found by aurors two days later during their raids of death eaters homes. He ended up in the long term care ward in St Mungo's with Frank and Alice Longbottom and died in his sleep 5 years later.

Harry and Susan got married at Christmas in 1996. It was a small ceremony attended by Neville, Luna, Hermione, Amelia, Augusta and Mr and Mrs Granger.

In September 1998 Susan gave birth to twins James and Sirius. In May 2001 Susan gave birth to twin girls, Lily and Sabrina. In June 2005 Susan gave birth to their last child Luke.

In between giving birth to their five children Susan took her healer training an completed it in 2006. For the last years of her career she was praised as one of the most talented healers since Saint Mungo himself.

Harry decided he didn't really need a job between the Wizengamot and five kids. That didn't stop him constantly searching for new types of magic though as he was always fascinated with magic no matter how old he got.

It was now 2150. Susan had passed away a few nights ago and he could feel his time coming to a close. He was now happy that the Potter family was secure again in the large number of Potter children, great-grandchildren and even some great-great-grandchildren. He'd even managed to split up his titles between his many heirs.

But as it became more difficult to breathe and his vision began to dim he didn't struggle. Instead he greeted death as an old friend.

And so on the 31st July 2150 Lord Harry James Potter-Black-Evans-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Peverell-Le Fey-Emrys, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Supreme Mugwump of the ICW, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Grand Mage, Order of Merlin first class, slayer of Voldemort and Witch Weekly's most charming smile 15 weeks in a row went on to the next great adventure.

AN: I was very disappointed with how this turned out, because as I said in the last chapter I lost the motivation to complete this story to its maximum potential.

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