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"Auntie? Everything okay?" Susan asked concerned.

"I don't know Susie, I've found something"

"What Auntie?"

"A thousand year old marriage contract between the House of Bones and the House of Ravenclaw"


A week had passed since Ragnok had told Harry that he would have to marry Susan Bones by his seventeenth birthday or lose his magic. Of course that week was also 7 weeks within the castle wards.

'Merlin I've got to get married within a year!'

Of course it could've been a lot worse than Susan Bones, seeing as Susan Bones is one of the prettiest girls in Harry's year. A true Hufflepuff as well; loyal, kind and always willing to help those who need it.

While this made Harry feel slightly better about the whole marriage contract, he was still anxious over the entire thing.

'What if she hates me? What if we hate each other? Will I get stuck with a person I hate forever just because of a dusty old contract?'

It didn't help Harry's nerves at all that he'd received a letter six weeks ago (six days outside ward time) from Madam Bones asking for a meeting between Lord Ravenclaw and the Regent for the house of Bones on the 18th July.


As Harry was getting ready for his meeting with Madam Bones and mostly likely Susan Bones as well he was mentally reviewing his training for the last seven weeks.

His swordsmanship skills were better than ever, able to take on four practice dummies set to expert level, or just one set to master level.

So far I've found 3 more of my animagus forms. The first one I managed to change into was a Griffin. The Griffin had black and white feathers with silver talons and beak. The second form u unlocked was a basilisk. This basilisk was about half the size of the one I fought in the Chamber of Secrets, meaning I was around 30 feet long. Finally the most recent one I've unlocked was my phoenix form. My phoenix form has the same colour of my magical core, meaning it is a light blue colour.

My training of battle transfiguration and conjuration has also improved significantly. Whereas before I would transfigure an object into packs of animals such as lions and wolves I've now moved on to magical animal transfigurations. I can now transfigure objects into packs of Griffins if I needed to. My conjuration is also much better now allowing me to immediately conjure a large marble wall now to cover myself from any curses.

Because of my lessons with Helga on healing as well as my innate ability to use raw magic to heal I can heal injuries faster than Madam Pomfrey could.

My potion brewing skills are also far better allowing me to confidently brew all N.E.W.T. standard tests without assistance and some of the lower difficulty potions required for a potions mastery thanks to Helga and Salazar.

My Parsel magic is also at a stage that it could possibly rival Tom Riddles as Parsel magic is a very rare skill and as such very few books have been written about it. Plus, seeing as Riddle didn't have the benefit of the snake founder of Hogwarts to guide him it is very likely that I know more Parsel magic than tom.

Right now my Occlumency training has also improved to the level where it could keep Snape or Dumbledore out for a few minutes at least but not indefinitely. My repertoire of curses taught to me by Morgana has also increased exponentially.

Rowena's teaching of rituals, runes and wards has been one of the hardest subjects to learn but it is a very worthwhile subject. So far my knowledge of runes and wards is at the level of a junior curse breaker for Gringotts. At the moment all his knowledge of rituals were theoretical as most had a certain time of the year that they needed to be performed on, normally Halloween.

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