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It's been a weeks since I've started my training schedule and while it's a lot easier to concentrate and remember lessons now due to my Occlumency and lack of horcrux it is still a brutal training regimen.

I'd survived an hour after the meeting with the founders, merlin and morgana before I noticed a flaw in my logic when I got to the kitchen and found all the fridges empty. So I called Dobby to see if he would accept to work for me.




"Master Harry Potter sir calls Dobby! What can Dobby do for great master harry potter sir?" the strange creature with tennis ball sized eyes asked.

"Dobby calm down, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to bond to my family, I'll still pay you and give you time off if you want them?"

Dobby broke down into tears at the generosity of the 'great master harry potter sir'. Needless to say two seconds later harry had himself a house elf.

"Now Dobby, what I need you to do is find a dozen more house elfs looking for work and then get started on dinner" Just as the command was finished Dobby vanished and minutes later the fridge and pantry started to fill with foods.


The lessons themselves were brutal all on their own with each teacher being a vicious taskmaster. However they were all rewarding. Animagus training so far Godric had been him meditating for the lessons times of normally two hours at a time. The way Godric explained it to me my multi-animagi ability will not be every single animal as I thought it would but a set number of animals, how many depended on the power of the wizard with Godric having 4 different Animagus forms. In each meditation lesson I could see 7 forms shrouded in a mist, with each meditation the mist lifting bit by bit.

The lesson with Morgana was great as it reminded me of something I'd forgotten about the day at Gringotts.


"Mr Potter, if I recall correctly you said that you'd collected the Basilisk egg from my vault." Waiting for his nod to continue she said "Well why hasn't it hatched yet? Was there a problem with the egg?"

"No Ma'am I just kind of forgot about it until now" harry muttered afraid of getting on this witches bad side.

"Well? What are you waiting for go get it?" she said sternly in a way eerily similar to McGonagall.

A minute later I'd removed the multi-compartment trunk from my neck and pulled out the basilisk egg.

The Basilisk egg was about 5 times the size of a chicken eff and seemed to be cased in emerald green scales rather than the typical fragile eff shells.

"How and why can I hatch this? I mean as soon as it hatches I'll be petrified the moment it looks at me" Harry stated slowly.

"Don't you know anything about parseltongues boy?" at harry's negative head shake she sighed "Oh. Well then you should know that parseltongues are immune to the basilisks gaze, and merlin should know a charm for someone's eyes to make them temporarily immune as well. Now the egg was close to hatching when I put it under a simple stasis charm so a Finite incantatem."

"Finite Incantatem"

Immediately the scaled egg began to break away and a head slowly poked its way out hissing lowly as it emerged.

$Hello young one, my name isss Harry Potter$

$Greetingsss speaker, my name is Evelina. Are you my master speaker?$

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