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The vote went quickly after this as everyone wanted to garner the favour of the new lord, even the reputed dark families and when Harry declared that Amelia Bones would be a good minister for wizarding England in this time of war she was voted into the office of Minster of Magic almost unanimously.


As they were leaving the Wizengamot session 4 hours later Harry walked up to Lady Longbottom and asked "Excuse me Lady Longbottom, but I was wondering if Neville could stay with me for the rest of the summer? I've been training with Hermione Granger and Susan trying to best prepare for the war as I can and I would like Neville to join us, if it's okay with you Lady Longbottom."

The Longbottom Regent didn't even hesitate "Of course Lord Potter, our families have always stood together in times of war and this time shall not be any different. If you could arrive at Longbottom Hall tonight at 6PM so he can pack."

"Thank you Lady Longbottom, I shall see you later"

With that done Hedwig took the Potter Lord and the two Bones' to Emrys castle.


At 6PM exactly Harry arrived in the entrance hall in Longbottom Hall. Seeing Neville next to a trunk next to the floo the two walked towards each other and embraced each other in a one armed hug.

"Good to see you Nev, ready to go?"

"Yeah can't wait, it'll feel nice to be doing something to prepare for this war."

"Okay then Neville hold my arm and.."

At that moment the floo flared to life and out came Luna Lovegood wearing a backpack over her shoulder.

"I hope you weren't planning on leaving without me Lord Potter" Luna said in her normal dreamy fashion with unfocused eyes.

"Luna? What are you doing here?" Harry asked while the Longbottom heir's cheeks took on a pink tinge whenever he looked at Luna.

"I'm going with you Harry Potter" she stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What.. but.. how did you know we were meeting here at this time?" Harry spluttered out.

"The nargles told me of course"

"Oookay then, well we'd love to have you with us Luna" Harry said with a subtle glance towards Neville to see him nodding his head vigorously.


At the castle it was normally just Neville, Luna, Hermione, Susan and Harry during the day and during the nights Mr and Mrs Granger would stay the night in the guest quarters. On odd days Lady Longbottom would show up just to see Neville and the now Minister for Magic Amelia Bones would turn up to see Susan as well.

After the Wizengamot meeting Harry had sent a letter to Madam Marchbanks requesting to take exams for Ancient Runes, Potions, Government and Law, Duelling, Healing and Alchemy. When the reply came back he was notified that all those exams could be done on the same day on the 5th August.


It was 08:45 in one of the more luxurious conference rooms at Gringotts that the goblins let their more important customers use and Harry was patiently waiting for the will reading to start. At the head of the table was King Ragnok and on his right was Harry. Hermione was also in the conference room on Harry's right.

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