Chapter 7

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"I just allowed you to stay beside me because of a mere PITY... and nothing else."


"...because of a mere PITY..."


"... a mere PITY..."


I suddenly woke up and stared blankly to the ceiling.

I was hoping that it was just a dream...


...but it's not.

I slowly sat up and felt drops of water falling to my cheeks...



I did cry...

So pathetic...

I wiped my tears and slowly I stepped on the floor but as soon as I stood up...

I felt a sharp pain on my back and collapsed.


I got shocked.



I just remembered...





I did it with him...

"Remove this pain... Please remove this pain, Gakupo...", I said in tears and kissed him.

How can I do that to him?...

How can I do that to the person who helped me a lot?...


I closed my eyes and felt my frustrations more...

Then... the door suddenly opened and it was Gakupo. He was shocked upon seeing me kneeling down on the floor.

"What happened?!", he asked and went near me.

"N-nothing...", all I just said.

He gently helped me to get up and made me sat again on the bed.


I can't even look at him...

"You must be careful...", all he said.



I can't say a thing...

"Are you okay?", he asked.

But I did not respond.

I'm shameless...

I don't know what to do...

"Kaito?", he called my name to the second time.


"I'm sorry...", I suddenly said.





"I'm sorry for taking advantage of you last night... You helped me a lot and asked for that kind of thing...", I said and lowered my head more.


"No... I should be the one to say that... I should not do that to you mostly you're all upset... I'm sorry...", he said.

I was surprised.


Why he's thinking that way?...

I'm the one who initiate to do it...

I'm still the worse between the two of us...


I just looked at him.

"Thank you again...", I just said.

He smiled a bit.

"Let's have our breakfast.", he invited me.

I just smiled a bit.

"Can you stand?", he asked.

"Yeah.", I just said and stood up but I lost my balance again.

He held my arms and leaned me to his chest.

"Looks like not.", he said and carried me (like a princess).

I got shocked.

"N-no! I'm fine! I can just lean on to you!", I said in shock and struggled.

"Nah, it'll be too hard for us and we'll go downstairs.", he just said.

This was really embarrassing... v-v

We went downstairs and to the kitchen.

"...Gakupo...", I called him.

"What?", he asked and putted me down.


I can't trouble him anymore...

"...Don't worry... I won't be a problem to you... I'll leave after eating...", I said.


"Why? Are you uncomfortable with me?"

"N-no! That's not the case!", I hurriedly denied. "You helped me so much and I can't trouble you anymore. Everything is enough for me.", I just said while getting a glimpse of him.

"Did I say that you're troubling me?", he just said.

I looked to him directly.

 "You're not a problem because I'm happy to help, Neko-chan.", he said and smiled.

I was shocked.

"It's not easy to move on in your case and it'll be worse if you just carried it alone. Of course, I don't want to hear a news that a blue-haired guy committed suicide and it'll be my conscience for the rest of my life.", he joked.


I chuckled. "Baka! Do I look like someone who'll commit suicide?"


"Who knows?", he seriously said.


"Baka, I'm not too weak. It's not a new thing for me... I have encountered his cold treatments since then but it's just me who kept on pushing myself to him. I'm always ready for this..."

"Really? But you cried like a kid yesterday~", he teased me and went to another chair.

"SSSHHHHUUUTTT UUUPPPP!!!!!!!!!!", I shouted.

He chuckled.

"See? You're being normal again. Thanks to me.", he said arrogantly.

"What the hell! Like it's true!!!", I shouted again.

He chuckled again.

Yeah... Thanks to him...

"I change my mind.", I said while sitting down on the chair.

He looked to me.

"You told me to stay, right?", I said.

He just stared at me.

"Then, I'll make you regret that."

He just smiled.

"Yeah, I really can see.", he said. "Let's eat."

Maybe I'm bad for taking advantage of him but... not now...

I still can't get up all by myself...

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