Dumbledore's first clue

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Tuesday morning found Harry once again eating breakfast with the Gryffindors. The twins had become a regular fixture, and Neville was sitting with them as well. The latter was currently whispering soothingly to his new girlfriend, who looked like she was running on a serious lack of sleep.

And then Fleur trudged into the Hall looking much the same.

The difference was extremely subtle – a slight dimming of the usual glow her skin gave off, and unusual bleakness in her eyes – but it was there, and noticeable to Harry. He frowned in concern as she zeroed in on them. He really hoped she wasn't having second thoughts, not that he would blame her if she was.

Ron blanked out as usual as she slid silently into her seat, and – perhaps the biggest sign of all – Fleur didn't spare him so much as a second glance. All she did was give Harry a wan smile and start to dish up without another word.

Deeply concerned, Harry leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"You alright?" he asked.

Fleur turned and smiled a genuine smile at him. "I am just tired, 'Arry," she replied.

Harry studied her for another few moments, and to his relief, found no deception. He reached over cautiously and brushed a silvery strand of hair away from her crystal blue eyes, and smiled understandingly at her. He knew quite well what it was to go sleepless, thank you very much, and did not wish that upon anyone.

When he turned back to the table, though, it was all he could do not to scowl. For once, Ron wasn't sporting that dreamy, blank look he got when she was around – but the one he was wearing was even worse. It was a greedy, jealous look, and though he hid it quickly when he realized Harry was looking, Harry did not miss it.

He really wasn't certain what more he could do. While he could have spoken to Ron about it, he would have thought that by now that Ron would have learned his lesson. Why should he have to repeatedly defuse his friend's jealousy, when there wasn't even anything to be jealous of?

His impending marriage was fraught with complications, and it wasn't even by choice. True, he was starting to think he was getting something very good out of the deal, but why should anyone be jealous of him when he'd had his choices stolen away? What if she'd been the devil incarnate? Ron had no concept of what Harry's life was like.

Thankfully, his musings were shortly interrupted by the arrival of the mail. Hedwig was nowhere to be seen, but a handsome little tawney delivered a message to Fleur, and Harry recognized the parchment as the kind favored by the Delacour family.

Fleur read through it and then handed it to him. "We are going to be busy, 'Arry," she sighed tiredly.

Harry took the letter and read it for himself:

Très chers enfants,

I hope this letter finds you well. Papa and I have recently completed the arrangements for your upcoming event. Barring unforeseen circumstances, it will take place on the twentieth of this month. We have chosen to host it at Chateau Delacour due to the short notice. I sincerely hope that this meets with both of your approval.

Tradition dictates that we must send invitations one week prior to the event. Harry, this is different from the Muggle tradition, so do not concern yourself. Any friends you invite will come if they are able, and will not be offended by the short notice.

Both of you should gather your lists and return them to us within two days. You may invite as many people as you wish. We certainly have the room.

Good luck in school!

Tout notre amour,
Maman & Papa

He smiled genuinely at the fact that they included him so naturally in the letter, and a strange warmth overcame him. Was this what having a family was like? Even if the circumstances were strange, and even if the letter was essentially business, it still felt wonderful. He had never been included like this before.

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