The end of an era

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Fleur was at a loss as to how to help her husband. The revelation of the Prophecy — and what it said about Albus Dumbledore — shook him far worse than she would have expected. It was one thing to know that he'd been betrayed, he told her, but quite another to know that the man was trying to get him killed, and what that would have meant.

And there truly was no other interpretation of events as far as they could see.

Along with Bones and "Croaker", they had hashed it out a bit more, and could come to no other conclusion. The final analysis they had come up with was that, at best, Dumbledore knew of the horcrux in Harry's scar right from the off, and set him up to die in order to get rid of it. The prophecy itself would prevent any direct action, thus he had to die by Voldemort's own hand.

He also utterly failed to consider what it would mean for the world if his plan succeeded — namely that Voldemort would win, and probably take over the world.

Harry was disturbed by it, but in a way it was probably a good thing. He was facing it, and would put it in the proper place in due time, and he would be better for it. In the end, though, all Fleur could do was offer the comfort of her presence.

Her father, of course, was incensed when they told him, but he agreed with Harry's assessment: there was nothing to be done. They would put him away via the theft trial, and go from there.

It was now Friday, and the last classes of the term were finally finished. They would be here for another few days before the carriage left for France, and Fleur fully expected Harry to be on it, returning home with her. It would be interesting to see his reception at the school. For now, however, they were once more sitting down for dinner in Hogwarts' Great Hall.

Dumbledore was once more riding his throne, and she was not at all surprised to feel his angry gaze upon them. His upcoming trial was giving him fits. Everyone presumed him guilty — which he was — and the students were no exception. This was the final nail in the coffin of Albus Dumbledore's vaunted reputation.

And so she ignored him.

Her young husband, on the other hand, was flipping through a book she had obtained for him. It was a tourist's guide to France, both muggle and magical. He was trying to learn about his new home country, and also trying to decide what he wanted to do this summer.

She expected that they would have a lot of fun; Harry had never had a true summer vacation before, and would likely want to do everything. Even having Gabrielle along would not be a deterrent; he adored the girl, and had never himself experienced many of the things a child her age would want to do. It would be quite rewarding for him to accompany her.

While Fleur always looked forward to getting away from school for the summer, this particular one was likely to be the best she had ever experienced.

"Earth to Potter," chirped a male voice.

"Female Potter, that is," chirped another.

Fleur blinked and looked up into the amused faces of the Weasley twins. Out of all the Weasleys, these were the two that she liked best. Oh, Bill was handsome and clearly a good man, but the twins were a lot of fun, and yet far more serious under the surface than most likely suspected.

"Something I can do for you?" she wondered.

"We were just asking Harrikins here," spouted twin number one.

"If there was any possibility of coming to visit over the summer," continued twin number two.

"Your lovely husband gave us his triwizard winnings, see."

"We want to start a joke shop."

"And we thought that maybe between your husband and your oh so beautiful self-"

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