Riddle me this

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When Harry slid into his seat at the Gryffindor table on the Wednesday before the end of term, he didn't really expect much to happen. The papers, of course, were still all aflutter about everything, but he was largely ignoring that now. Fleur was a voracious reader anyway, and would let him know if something came up.

Dumbledore was notably absent from the head table again, which bothered him not a jot.

"Do you know what you're doing for the summer, Harry?" asked Neville once they had all tucked in.

"I have no idea yet, Nev," shrugged Harry. "I'll be in France with Fleur and her family, but that's all I really know right now."

"We will 'ave a good summer," smiled Fleur. "I cannot wait to take you on a tour of ze area."

Harry felt a rush of pleasure at that concept, and not just because of Fleur. He had never actually had a real summer vacation before, instead spending them all forcibly holed up at Privet Drive. To actually be able to go out and do things for the summer? That would be incredible!

"I can't wait," he said softly.

Fleur reached over and brushed his cheek, the soft look in her eyes telling him that she understood his reaction. "It will be wonderful, mon amour," she assured him. "And zere are plenty of ozzer things we can do as well."

"I should get your contact information," noted Hermione. "My parents and I often travel to France in the summers, and it would be nice if we could stop in and see you."

"Oui," smiled Fleur. "Zat would be magnifique! We can go shopping, too!"

The girls might have devolved right there into a discussion about shopping that only girls can appreciate, but they were interrupted by the arrival of the mail. Hedwig came to light on Harry's shoulder, and Fleur reached up to detach a scroll from her leg. Half the school stared openly at this; Hedwig was notoriously protective of her master's mail.

"What?" she asked when she saw that Hermione was among those staring.

"I'm surprised she let you do that," breathed Hermione.

"She knows who Fleur is," smiled Harry, reaching up to scratch his familiar. "Of course she'll allow it."

Fleur shook her head with a grin and skimmed the missive before handing it to him. He was surprised to see that it was a summons from Madam Bones — and an official one, at that. He was quite grateful that Dumbledore wasn't there to cause problems.

"We'd better go right after breakfast," he sighed. "I don't know what she wants, but whatever it is, it's probably important."

"Oui," nodded Fleur.

They finished their breakfast quickly after that; neither wanted to dally. Madam Bones struck them as the sort of woman who didn't mess about. If she was sending an official summons, then she had very good reason to do so, and keeping her waiting would not be wise.

They made their way back to the carriage after saying goodbye to their friends, and from there they took the floo to the Ministry. Harry made a mental note to learn to Apparate as soon as he could; it would be a lot more convenient.

All talk in the Ministry Atrium stopped when they appeared, but other than the usual whispers that tended to follow him in public, people left them alone. The latter suited Harry perfectly, but the quiet scrutiny sent a shiver up his spine. He sincerely hoped that he was less famous in France than in Britain.

Fleur had assured him that it was indeed the case, but he wouldn't truly believe it until he experienced it.

Harry came very close to hexing the wand checker when he leered at Fleur — but clearing his throat at the man seemed to do the trick. It was as though he had simply locked in on Fleur, and not noticed that her husband was standing right next to her. And given that her husband held the Order of Merlin and had recently bagged the Dark Lord Voldemort, nobody was going to challenge him.

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