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Fleur sat quietly at the dinner table at Chateau Dealcour eating with her family — or rather, trying to. In truth, she was too busy fretting over Harry's condition. Her stunner was a bit more powerful than she thought; he was still out, and the only place she wanted to be was by his side.

Upon reaching the suite, she had convinced Fawkes to take them home. The simple fact was that Hogwarts was an increasingly toxic environment for him, and she wanted him to wake up someplace much more welcoming. She was concerned that even the smallest mishap might cause him to finally break, and she wasn't willing to risk it.

And so she unilaterally decided that they would start their Easter vacation a bit early.

"Cheer up, darling," urged her mother, speaking in their native tongue since Harry wasn't in the room. "You did the right thing. He'll be fine."

Fleur sighed and closed her eyes. "I'm not so sure, Maman," she said quietly. "He's been through far too much in too short a time. I don't think he can take much more."

"Have faith, Fleur," suggested her father. "'Arry is strong. He'll get through it."

"What happened to 'Arry?" frowned her sister innocently.

"He had a problem with a friend, Garbrielle," she explained. "Don't ask him about it or it may hurt him."

The little girl narrowed her eyes at her from across the table. Her thoughts were written plainly on her face: she adored Harry, and she wanted him to be okay. Fleur suspected that he wouldn't be able to shake her all holiday – and somehow, she couldn't see it as a bad thing.

"I want to see him!" she declared.

"He's asleep," Fleur said with a shake of her head. "You can see him soon, but don't be surprised if he is not very friendly. It's not your fault, okay?"

A cute crinkle appeared in the little girl's forehead as she tried to make sense of it, and it made Fleur smile in spite of herself. Oh, to be so innocent again! She could barely remember what it was like before the allure kicked in and caused all sorts of problems for her. Before she was married... Before the world was after her husband, whom she loved very much...

Oh, had life gotten complicated!

Shaking herself out of her melancholy – even with all that, she wouldn't trade him for the world – she finally forced herself to eat. The memory of his condition when she found him in the suite was enough to tie her stomach in knots, and it made for a very small appetite, but she would need her strength. She had no idea what to expect when he woke, and it was only Fawkes' presence with him that allowed her to leave.

And then dinner was finally cleared away, and in the middle of dessert, she received a surprise when she sensed his presence in the doorway. She turned to see him standing there, blinking bemusedly, with Fawkes nestled up against the side of his head, which he didn't seem to notice. He looked like hell, the way his hair was mussed and his clothing wrinkled.

His gaze scanned the table, and even as Gabrielle was pushing out of her seat, finally landed on Fleur.

"Fleur?" he called in a soft, hoarse voice. "What happened?"

"'Arry!" gushed Gabrielle, and she flew at him. She barreled into him with significant force, catching him off guard, and he went over in a heap on the floor. The upset dislodged Fawkes, who squawked indignantly and flew to Fleur. Gabrielle started babbling away so rapidly in French that even her own family could not understand her.

"Gabrielle?" came Harry's muffled voice, silencing her tirade.

Startled, the little girl picked herself up and stared at him with an "are you stupid?" sort of expression. "Oui, 'Arry!" she said in obvious exasperation.

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