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Severus Snape Attacks Boy-Who-Lived After Sentencing At Abuse Trial! Veela Wife Defends!

by Dawn Summers

In a shocking turn of events, after being sentenced to 137 years in Azkaban Prison, Severus Snape, 35, drew a concealed wand and attempted to cast a Dark Curse on Harry James Potter, 14. In a disturbing twist of fate, Snape mis-aimed his curse, endangering Court Scribe Janice O'Connor, 19. Potter pushed her to safety, but was unable to avoid the curse himself. His condition is unknown, but he is believed to be stable and recovering.

Mr. Potter's newlywed wife, Fleur Annalise Potter, 17, reacted immediately to the attack by transforming into her veela avian form. She cast several fireballs, two of which impacted and severely injured former Professor Snape. He is currently being treated in Azkaban for severe burns.

Mrs. Potter then stood guard over her husband while his injuries were being tended, going so far as to threaten Albus Dumbledore by casting another fireball at his feet when he attempted to assist. Mrs. Potter was unavailable for comment, but it is believed that she took exception because he was present in defense of Mr. Snape, who initiated the attack. She had no difficulty with Madam Amelia Bones, who helped treat the injured boy.

Mr. Potter was healed by a phoenix on scene, and it is believed that he was subsequently transported to St. Mungo's Hospital by that same phoenix. Prior to that, however, this reporter witnessed a remarkable moment between Mr. Potter and his wife. It is now eminently clear that they still have much to learn about each other.

Mr. Potter briefly regained consciousness and asked to see her while she stood guard, and she was initially unwilling to approach for fear of how her appearance would be received. In the end his pleas prevailed, however, and she was visibly stunned by his obvious appreciation of her avian form. It was a touching scene that could have been lifted straight from the pages of a romance novel.

While many have questioned the motives of Mrs. Potter and her family, what this reporter saw were two young people who love each other deeply. Even in such a frightening form, Mrs. Potter's love and concern for her husband could not be missed, and it was equally obvious that Mr. Potter cares just as deeply for his wife.

We are left with many questions raised by both the trial and the subsequent attack. Why did Albus Dumbledore allow the abuse to continue for so long at Hogwarts? Why was he willing to defend the man against such overwhelming evidence? That evidence was presented in stunning detail, showing a pattern of serious crimes against students that stretches back over a decade!

This reporter also wonders how Snape was able to pass security while in possession of a wand. And where were the Aurors during the attack? They were closer to the attacker than Mrs. Potter, and yet did not return spells in sufficient time to subdue the threat.

We at the Daily Prophet would like to offer our best wishes for Mr. Potter's recovery. We also thank Fleur Potter for her willingness to defend the innocent. It is unthinkable to consider what might have happened had Snape's rampage gone unchecked.

Harry smiled softly at the picture beside the article. It showed an avian Fleur holding his head in her lap, gazing worriedly down at him as Fawkes cried into his wounds, with Amelia and Sebastian assisting nearby. He raised a finger and ran it gently over the image of his wife, before turning his head to watch her as she slept soundly in the chair next to him, with her head resting on the edge of the bed, her silver hair splayed out around her.

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