Part 7 ( forget about it)

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Evening came, everyone was sitting by the fire and Kiara was waiting for JJ on the balcony. When he came he stood next to her, leaning his hands on the railing

JJ: What did you want to talk about ?
Kiara: What you said then... that what we think about you,it's not the truth J! You're our best friend and you're a great friend,believe me J. If we sometimes don't support you in your plans or concessions, it's because we worry about you,understand please. We understand that you'd do anything for all of us,but everything has its consequences,and we are afraid to lose you.

He was looking down.

JJ: Okay,that's all?
Kiara: Uh,no... I...

He looked at her. She wanted to say smth but he interrupted her.

JJ: Do u have feelings for me ?
Kiara: What?!
JJ: It's a simple question! Yes or no?!
Kiara : JJ...I...
JJ: Just tell me and we'll finish all of it. If you really feel something then tell me immediately about it.But if not,then I promise you, I leave you and we'll forget about that.
Kiara: I... don't know...(with worried face looked at him)
JJ: What don't you know Kie?!(he sharply moved away from her and waved his arms)

She felt how he was hurrying her...

Kiara: Even if I felt it, it wouldn't change anything!
JJ: But why?! Just don't say for the rule now please!
Kiara: The matter is not in the rule! Understand!
JJ: And what then?!
Kiara: I value our friendship very much,understand! I don't wanna ruin it!

JJ didn't wanna listen to her,he looked the other side and then at her again.

JJ: Kie stop! Forget about everything I said! (Spread hands) Don't say anything anymore okay?! I understood all!
Kiara: No J!
JJ: Please! Do not need! It's okay! Don't worry! I pray I will not return to this conversation again, you do not need to worry, everything will be as before! ( went to the others )


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