Chapter 5

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Belladonna fell asleep reading a book about the different creatures in the wizarding world. Her favorite already were werewolves.

James, Peter and Sirius chuckled at this.

In her dream, Belladonna was standing in the middle of what looks like a fancy dance studio. “Hello?” she asked, looking around. Her voice echoing, as the room as completely blank but the details in the pillars. Belladonna turned around and saw beautiful yellow ballet shoes. Belladonna softly took them. Feeling a tingly feeling she put them on. She stood up and tried to get up on her toes, but fell down. She caught herself with her hands, preventing her face from meeting the floor. She tried again and got it this time. Now standing on her high toes, she because to move around.

People cheered for belladonna's dancing. Some people whistled out. The golden trio, and Ginny scowled, the whore actually thought she was better then them? Dumbledore noticed her power and wanted to use her for the war. Little did he know that she wasn't just a small girl.

Belladonna was panting, out of breathe, she never even took a ballet class before so how on earth did she just dance like a pro Ballerina. She quickly took off the shoes, her anxiety starting to go through the roof. She placed the shoes back where she found them. “What I sight. Normally when people use my stuff without asking I hex them. But I'll make an exception for you just because of that performance." A high pitch but Angelic voice said. Belladonna turned and saw—
Belladonna gasped awake. Panting at her dream. She couldn't tell if it was a dream or a nightmare. She heard the hooting of an owl, when she looked to her right she saw an owl, it had a letter on its back. It read:
Ms. B. Potter
Abandoned hospital
### Street

Was this the letter her mother told her about? She took the letter from the owl and softly pet it.

"How is that owl still alive?" Sirius asked. "That's the same exact owl that gave me a hard time when I got my letter." He explained. James chucked at his brother in everything else but blood.

Belladonna saw a purple wax seal bearing a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake surrounding a large letter H. Definitely Hogwarts. "Dear Ms Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. The term begins on September 1st, we await your owl no later then 31st of July." Belladonna read. She looked at the person who signed it. Minerva McGonagall, the deputy Headmistress. Belladonna looked at the owl. "Guess I better write back. Oh my lady Irene, I'm going crazy I'm talking to a bird."

People were shocked when Lady Irene came out of her mouth instead of Merlin. Not many wizards or witches still said Lady Irene anymore. "Belladonna, do you know who lady Irene is?" Asked McGonagall. "Lady Irene was this witch from over 900 years ago who stopped a war from happening between the dragons and witches/wizarding. She was said to create her own dimension for herself where a minute there was equal to a year here." Belladonna said what she knew. Dumbledore was very pleased, she would be a great pawn. It's to bad it too late. "She was also a student here and got sorted into Hufflepuff."

Belladonna looked around the abandoned hospital and found a pen the surprisingly still works, and some old paper. She wrote down that she would be happy to attend Hogwarts. She gave the letter to the bird and started to repack the things she had out. She signed when she found the water bottle, only about a half of it left. She went about, and started to walk around London, with her hood up. She found a old looking pub, and found the owner. "Excuse me?" "Yes little girl?" Belladonna showed her Hogwarts letter. "Ah, a new first year. Follow me." He lead her out the back. Her bag ready to be used as a bat just in case. She did not feel like getting raped at the age of 11.

"Why on earth, would she think that?" Theodore asked. "The muggle world is different from ours so maybe.." Blaise trailed.

The bricked moved and showed no where other then Daigon Alley. Belladonna turned towards the owner of the Leaky Cauldron. "Thanks." She began to wonder around. Looking at shops from the windows. Not even knowing if she had money from this world. In the distance she saw a giant white pillared building with a huge stone dragon on the roof. Belladonna wondered if it was real because the details were to much to be fake. The closer she got to the building the clearer it became for her.

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