Chapter 8

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Everyone was shocked by her inheritance. She was basically royalty!! The golden trio and ginny were furious. No, not furious, they were vivid. What James, Lily, Remus, Sirius, and Peter were shocked about the most was that the other three marauders' blood adopted her and who her magic-given family was. Molly and Author were wondering why they along with Bill, Charlie, Percy, and the twins were her magic-given family but not Ron or Ginny. Then Sirius shouted out "You're the soulmate to five Slytherins and death eater families?!" Belladonna looked down. She couldn't meet his gaze, not even the present Sirius knew. Belladonna unable to keep her tears in turned into one of her Animus forms. A white and red Siberian husky. The Marauders were shocked when they saw her animal form, Remus put one of his hands on Sirius' shoulder. Sirius realized that he yelled and most likely scared her. "Bel-" he started but Belladonna ran over to Mattheo who was sitting with his father and Draco.

Belladonna was shocked, to say the least. She never thought that she would have people that would want her. Romantically or as a sister, Harry sure didn't. "C-can you explain some of these things? I grew up with non-magic people." Belladonna consulted. The goblins started to decipher some of the things that Belladonna most likely didn't know. "Blood adopting is when one or more people adopt another person into their Albion Magic families with a ritual and were considered illegal but if it was for medical reasons that's probably the only real reason why people blood adopt these days." The goblin said. Pausing so Belladonna could process this very new information. "A magic given family is normally given to when a magical child does not feel the love and affection they need from their birth family, their families can be magical or not." Belladonna knew what that felt like. Having a brother that hates you for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Her uncle is a drunk and hates her for being a 'freak'. Her aunt and cousin were kind to her, but she always felt like it was out of pity. She doesn't even know if her parents love her.

Everyone minus the golden trio, Ginny, and Umbridge we're shocked. They had no idea that the person who they all agreed to be their queen would feel like this. Not to mention her lovers were on the verge of tears. Why didn't she tell them that she felt like this? Also, that the Pure bloods knew what it was like. Their parents didn't love them, they wanted to make sure that they kept the bloodlines pure. "Love, why didn't you tell us?" Draco asked his red-headed girlfriend. Of course, she was still in her dog form, do all she did was whimper. She moved over to Draco, who was thankfully next to Mattheo and nuzzled into his stomach.

"The blocks are common; wizarding families often use them on their children to protect them from hurting themselves. We removed them once they enter the age of 11, then once they reach adulthood they go into their creature Inheritance, which is very common nowadays. Even the most Pure-blood family have them. They can't in-breed forever." The goblin said. Okay so that cleared up and the questions on why there were blocks on her. "What's a horcrux though?" The goblin's eyes widen. "One of the many way to become an immortal. I don't know why they were created most Wizards and witches can live up to 150 year at most, on rare occasions they can live up to 300. However, if that wizard of witch were to create more then needed, they would be driving into insanity. We can have a curse breaker to remove it, for a few of course." Belladonna didn't have to think twice, she agreed that horcuxes we're a terrible way to become immortal. "We can have her magic given brother, Charlie, take it out. I doubt he would do anything during the process." Belladonna knew what he was trying to hide with his words. "Okay, thank you. You can take it from my trust vault. After the process, is there anything I should do?" Belladonna asked. She was still new to the magic so she had no idea what to do. "I would suggest that you claim your Heiress rings." Belladonna nodded.

Belladonna's tail started to wag and Charlie smiled. This is when they met for the first time.

Now standing in what looks like an underground cove, Belladonna was there with non-other than Charlie Weasley. Both could feel the family bond, it felt like waves trying to get them closer. "Hi, I'm Belladonna." She stuck her hand out, "Charlie Weasley at your service little sister." Charlie said in a joking tone. Belladonna chucked. Oh, she knew she was going to love her magic given family. "We should get started." Charlie said, "what do I have to do?"

Charlie told Belladonna the steps and even though she was a bit embarrassed, but she did what she was supposed to. after all the blocks were off of her, belladonna felt so free, and her magic felt like it was alive for the first time.  

Soon belladonna was back at the goblin's office and there were many rings on display. in her eyes, the rings were beautiful. Belladonna had only seen the rings the aunt petunia has worn, and they were just white bands. "The heiress rings, lady witch. from your ancestors all the way down towards your parents." the goblin said. 

belladonna took in the beauty of the rings and slowly began to put the ring on as the goblin instructed her to which ring to put on. After they were on belladonna's figures some morphed into one. the lupin and black rings together. like that; the Hufflepuff and Slytherin, the le fay and Emrys, and finally the Prevell and potter. "Thank you, sir goblin." belladonna said. "You're welcome, my future queen." the goblin said. "I never did get your name." Belladonna said, now that she thought about it. "My name is Sharpclaw." 

"What in the next chapter love?" Theodore asked. "Most likely just me doing my shopping, meeting Draco and Matheo, and maybe the rest of you when on the train." Belladonna answered her mate. The marauder era was very interested in what was in the next chapter. they had a bad feeling. 

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