chapter 17

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The year seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye. Belladonna poured her heart and soul into her studies, showing a remarkable knack for magic. Her talents did not go unnoticed as she emerged as the top female first-year student.

"Of course, our sister is the top, she is the smartest out of all of us." Fred had said. George, the rest of the Weasleys (minus Ron and Ginny), along with Belladonna's mates agreed. Making Belladonna blush. She thanked her ancestors that she was in her dog form.

Belladonna made strong connections with many like-minded students from Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin houses. They bonded over late-night study sessions in the library and lively debates in the common room about recent lessons. She found a chosen family and support system in these peers that helped her feel less homesick.

However, Belladonna found only a sparse few noteworthy student among the Gryffindor house. Most seemed more focused on fooling around than furthering their knowledge. She observed many of them acting as bullies, tormenting younger years or those seen as different. In class, the classic "muggle jock" types created distractions that disrupted her and others from learning. Rumors swirled of them breaking rules and using magic irresponsibly on other students without consent. She was grateful the sorting hat did not place her in a house with such undesirable characters.

As the conversation drifted to Hogwarts and its students, Belladonna, a self-proclaimed expert in sorting hat psychology, expressed her views on the different houses. As she spoke, a few Gryffindors at the table seemed to take offense at her words. "Sweetheart, WE are Gryffindors," they exclaimed. 

However, Belladonna stood her ground. "I said I found a few noteworthy Gryffindors, but a good portion of them is what I said," she stated firmly. She believed that while Gryffindors were brave and daring, they were also impulsive and reckless. She reserved her praise for the Hufflepuffs, who she believed were hardworking and loyal, but also naive and to trusting and the Ravenclaws, who were intelligent and curious. They also got their heads in the books and clouds.

Determined to learn all she could about the magical world, Belladonna discovered ancient witchcraft holidays still celebrated today, such as Yule which honored the winter solstice. The traditions and rituals fascinated her curious mind. Finally, as the year drew to a close, Belladonna felt contented knowing she had found her place at Hogwarts - a place to call home among witches and wizards like her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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