Ch: 35- The Past Yet To Unfold 🤖🖤

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Previously: Shune, paused as he heard the crack. Before resuming walking.

"Hm.. how disappointing... he was.. weak."






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Pov: Third Person

Sitting in a room, in the facility, the long haired boy could be seen staring at his earpiece.

-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ Stories Of A Past⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-

A boy, the age of 6 could be seen sitting in a room. In front of a mirror, the room was decorated greatly.

A woman, with long beautiful golden blonde hair could be seen standing behind the boy. Brushing his medium length hair.

"Oh sweetie, look at how pretty you are with your hair this long. Remember, mommy only wants whats best for you."

"Yes, thank you mother for the complement."

"Oh look at you" the woman grabbed the side of the boy's face.

"Speaking so proper, well. Thats expected of the crown prince of this kingdom."

Just then a knock was heard. "Shune? Its me!"

Shune turned and looked at his mother. As she set down the hairbrush and went to the door. Opening it, a boy, the age of 8. With golden blonde hair, like the woman, was seen.

"Hello Zeke"

Zeke, said boy looked up. "Greetings mother! Can i play with Shune today?"

The mother smiled, nodding. She stepped aside, letting the boy in the bedroom. Before exiting, giving them some space.

"Shune! Come on, theres no need to pretend anymore!"

Shune's once dead face, turned into that of any normal child. Hopping down from the chair, with the help of his brother. He looked up and smiled.

"Nii-chan!" Said boy ruffled the younger's hair.

"Come on!" Zeke turned around. "Lets go play! Hop on!"

Shune hitched a piggy back ride from his brother, as they zoomed away. Running down the halls.

The crown prince, Shune. And the first prince, Zeke.

Zeke, golden blonde short hair, the older brother of Shune, medium length grayish red hair. Inherited from his father.

Both born with amazing talents.

Its said that if a member of the royal family, is born with grayish red hair, they are destined to lead the kingdom. To glory, and beyond.

Unfortunately, sometimes, if one is born with such colored hair. Is born frail, which is the situation for the current crown prince, Shune.

Therefor, was always shielded and sheltered inside the castle walls. Unable to go out into the city, and play.

The two boys, made it to the palace gardens. Guards everywhere.

The two played in the gardens, laughing and telling jokes.... they had an inseparable bond.




Where did things go wrong?...

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Chapter End
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.ೃNext Chapter .ೃ
Ch: 36- Cave 🤖🖤

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