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Dear diary, 

I've been posting a lot on my Instagram, and I mean a lot, hehe 

I never knew posting would be so fun

there is this exhilarating feeling I get when I take a photo then take the risk to post it online so everyone can see 

I also been getting a substantial number of followers. 

At the moment, I'm at 357 followers, again not a lot but for me... it's a lot 

k, enough about my Instagram, I've finished the book called Finding me by Viola Davis and it was amazing, 

so, I got another book. This time it's not some inspirational book but a romance book, but even so, I'm happy 

I've also started going to the gym. I don't see anything wrong with my body, I just wanted to go. 

I always see those influencers say after going to the gym they felt so much better about themselves 

so, I'm going to try it out for a change but if I decide I don't like it, I will quit. 

Not much information on my mom at the moment, she's same old, same old but my sister has been a big help with preparing me for university. 

UCLA here I come 



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