Chapter 15

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Blue, pink, green, purple...

Thaddeus stood like a statue, hands shoved into the deep pockets of his Construction Unit jumpsuit as he scanned the contents of the stall in front of him.

The tall man had yet to approach the vendor, standing across the walkway with a semi-permanent scowl marring his handsome features. He shifted in his spot, inwardly grumbling as he contemplated just what in the ever-loving fuck he was even doing here, espeically after such a rough shift.

However - despite his screaming calves and roughed up uniform - the tall man had somehow found the willpower to drag himself to the Market Pod. All to find this one, particular vendor that - hopefully - held the solution to all of his problems.

"I know just what you need," Mitty asserted with a lightbulb in his head, banging a fist down on the Lunch Pod table as he spoke past a giant bite of sandwich.

Thad had just finished a torturous admission, one that pained him to say and required that he speak it in a hushed whisper, as if it would make the words mean any less.

With a tight jaw, he had told Mit the truth.

No matter how much it confused him, no matter how much he wanted to act like it wasn't happening, he had to tell someone in fear of going absolutely crazy inside of his own skull.

He was having glints; tiny little slivers of time in which he felt something. Not love nor lust, but something, and all for that tiny little fuckin' mutant.

Whether it be the slightest, rogue hints of affection or - as Thad desired it to be - a strange sort of pity, the recent changes in the typically comforting desire to pummel Bug's adorable little face bothered him to no end.

Thad had to get answers. At least, before he pummeled his own head against the cement walls in utter frustration.

"... Listen, bro. There's this vendor in the Market Pod who sells clothes and shit," Mitty continued, chewing his turkey-and-cheese every few words, "Andrea buys stuff from there all the time. They're besties or whatever, so it's safe to assume they probably like the same stuff, right?"

Thaddeus nodded as he poked around his own lunch with a fork, trying to like he wasn't trying to savor the delicious food in the container until the very last bite. The man did so with a raised brow, as if wondering just where exactly his friend was going to take this seemingly random train of thought.

"Dunno." He replied with a shrug. If he and Mitty liked similar things, who was to say it wasn't the same for Bug and his friend?

"Exactly." Mitty grinned maniacally, and Thad could almost hear the dastardly plan in his voice, "And you say that your main issue is with him being a guy, right?"

Thad rolled his eyes.

"I mean, that lil' fuckin' mutantbarely counts as guy... but yeah, I guess that's a big part of the problem."

"Exactly. And I've got the perfect solution." Mitty repeated, leaned in halfway across the table as he finally brought his thought full-circle.

"Buy a dress for him from there and see how it makes you feel. If you're disgusted with him wearing it, you'll know that what you're feeling isn't about him at all, and it's probably just some weird, hormonal fluctuation. If you like it, you'll know you're actually straight because only girls wear dresses. Duh. Easy peasy, man."

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