Chapter 1

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"Mister Axton, will you please pay attention!" I raised an eyebrow, shifting my gaze away from the digi-window as Mr. Packard, my Society History teacher, screeched from across the classroom. I had to hold back a grin, as his face honestly resembled a bright red apple or a boiled lobster. The entire room of my Instructional-mates turned to stare at me with curiosity, obviously excited to have some kind of change from the normally structured activities.

"Since you think the digi-window is much more intriguing than the history of our great Society, I am forced to take away all of your daily points." he rasped, shaking his head while tapping away on his tablet furiously as if I somehow ruined his day with my idle daydreaming. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic display and turned my eyes back to the digi-window. The Society chose a really pretty scene to display on the digi-windows today: a rainforest, complete with green, jumping forest frogs and thick cumulous clouds layering the sky.

Besides, how was I supposed to keep from daydreaming when the Soul Mate Society Ceremony was happening tomorrow?

So yeah, Mr. Packard could suck it because I was very much occupied with imagining the pretty lady I would be Soul-Bonded to by the day's end tomorrow.

"Mister Axton, I will not tell you again! It may be your last day of attending Instructional Period, but since you think it's okay to disobey your superiors, I am now forced to give you a disciplinary during your Free Period." Mr. Packard sputtered, slamming his tablet onto his desk as he fumed with rage. I could tell by the way his knuckles tinted a ghostly white that he was on the edge of completely flipping off. I couldn't help but feel bad to for whatever lucky lady he was Soul-Bonded to.

I sighed heavily when my tablet chirped in my pocket, and I registered that he'd really just assigned me an after-school disciplinary on the last day of Instructional. What an asshole

Sitting up in front of the glass desk, I silently and respectfully raised my hand and swallowed my pride with a gulp of air. If that statement were literal, I would have almost choked at the size of it, but this time I had no choice. The last thing I needed was a disciplinary with this guy, and I needed my Free Period after Instructional Period to go back to my Housing Pod and prepare for the ceremony.

Besides, I wasn't the only one excited to be Soul-Bonded tomorrow. My mother was practically jumping for joy this morning, vowing that she would go to the market pod to grab my mandated formal wear so that I could try it on with her after Instructional. She would be pissed if I had to miss it because of a petty ass disciplinary.

"Listen, I'm sorry Mr. Packard, I should have been paying attention. But I have plans with my mother tonight for the Soul Mate Society Ceremony." I grumbled out. My tone was laced with insincerity, but it seemed to satisfy Mr. Packard as he smirked triumphantly and gave a great, big 'harrumph' - as if he just knew he had the upper hand now.

"Well... I supposed we could work out a deal." He answered. It was weird, watching him pace back and forth while his eyes held a borderline sadistic gleam. "This is Advanced Society History, so tell me how the first Society began and I will excuse your disobedience."


I knew that something big happened on the surface which caused us to build The Society deep underground, but I couldn't tell you what it was.

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