Chapter 19

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It was like getting water stuck in your ear after a shower; no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, Thaddeus simply couldn't shake the state of constant awareness that tingled just beneath the first layer of his skin.

The man's thoughts were occupied, every single one starting and ending with him. It left Thad wanting to punch something. But alas, he condemned the idea once he realized that his knuckles were much too precious a commodity to risk.

So – naturally – he was left with no choice but to clench his fists and brood.

Thad loathed that he felt this way, like some kind of deranged madman as his eye twitched incessantly and leg bounced at a much-too-rapid pace.

His entire afternoon had been nothing but torture. Earlier that day, he'd been left with no choice but to leave Aria in the care of his best friend, begrudgingly stomping his way back to the Construction Unit to finish out his stupid fucking shift.

Except, this time he did it with a cock so hard that it could easily be used to bulldoze straight through the sedimentary rock that surrounded them, adding yet another level to The Society compound's blueprint. There was no way that sustaining a raging erection for that long was healthy, but Thaddeus had much more pressing matters on his mind, leaving no extra space to give a single fuck.

That's how Thaddeus found himself hanging onto the living room couch for dear life, fists clenched tight enough to turn diamonds to dust as he wondered just how in the ever-loving fuck he was going to keep from acting on these totally ridiculous, completely unacceptable impulses.

The euphoria-inducing scent that was constantly wafting from the bedroom in tsunami-high waves was akin to a drug, and Thaddeus wanted nothing more than to inject it directly into his veins. It was so bad that the man had to talk himself down from charging straight in there like a bull every few seconds, eyes rolling into the back of his skull whenever a particularly intense flood of pheromones pulsed out from the crack underneath the bedroom door.

The fact that something weird was going on with them was an undeniable fact at this point. Thaddeus' only explanation was that there had to be some kind of biological connection between them that was doing some type of fucked up shit to his DNA – rewriting the source code and altering his existence beyond recognition.

It almost physically hurt to admit to himself that Mitty had been right. No matter how much he tried to stop it, Thaddeus couldn't help but increasingly think about – and apparently also talk about – Aria on a daily basis. Somehow, just like the little insect he was, Bug had wriggled his skinny ass right through the arrogant bars of Thad's brain and into every part of the man's life, images of the small man filling up more space in his psyche than should ever be legal.

Thaddeus wanted Aria.

In what exact ways he wanted him, Thad still refused to investigate. That was a little too much for his brain to handle, especially when it was currently being pelted with giant ripples of air-soluble cocaine.

"Aghh..." The man groaned, back arching as he squeezed his eyes shut at a particularly large swell of peaches. He didn't know how long he had been caught in this sea storm of sensation, but keeping himself glued to the couch whilst riding wave after wave was quickly beginning to take a toll.

Thad's brow was drenched through with sweat and his stomach churned with nauseousness as it threatened to upheave his half-eaten lunch from earlier today. But Thad could handle the urge to vomit his stomach inside out, that wasn't his primary problem. No, the main problem was his fucking dick.

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