Chapter 2

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(Image above is Thaddy-Daddy. Minus the septum piercing.)

I took one last look in the mirror that was bolted to the wall in my bedroom, heaving a sigh as I adjusted the starched collar of my mandated formal wear for today's Soul Mate Service Ceremony.

Today was the day.

And I looked fine as fuck.

I smirked at my reflection, flexing my arms slightly so that the fabric hugged my muscles in a way that I knew would make all of the ladies at the ceremony stop and stare. I was a great example of superior genetic engineering in The Society, I mean who could resist this face?

"Thad! Thaddeus, are you done yet?! We have to go!" I rolled my eyes at my mom's excited screeches, and chuckled to myself when I heard her heckling my father to hurry up as well. You'd think it was her Soul Mate Society Ceremony with the way she was acting.

I took a few more moments to ruffle my short hair, allowing a few curly strands to fall loose onto my forehead as if I didn't spend upwards of two hours working it into a perfect disaster on top of my head. With a final smirk, I turned to grab my travel tablet and sneak one last grin to myself in the mirror.

Damn, I really couldn't get enough.

"Thaddeus Axton! Do not make me come up there and get you myself!" I winced at my mother's voice as she continued to screech. That woman was like an alarm clock: unwanted, and too way damn loud.

"I'm coming mother! Fuck!" I yelled toward my open door, tapping the control panel on my wall to shut off the digi-windows and lights in my room.

Sliding my travel tablet into the pocket of my slacks, I slipped out of the room and tapped a panel to slide the door closed behind me. A few plastic bins containing my clothes and few belongings were lined up in the hallway, filling the small area as they awaited pickup by the Moving Transport Service. They would be sent to my assigned living pod which I would begin sharing with the woman I Soul-Bonded to immediately after the ceremony. Meanwhile, my mom would move into a smaller Housing Pod so that this one could be used for a size of family that needed it.

It was a tradition for the Soul-Bonded mates to move in with each other immediately in order to become accustomed to their significant other as soon as possible. According to the Elders it made the transition a lot easier while we also started our occupation training.

My mother stood by the open front door, her formal wear neat and tidy and travel tablet in hand. Through the open front door, I could see throngs of people in identical formal wear walking past from their living pods as they headed for the Gathering Auditorium of The Society, the area where the Soul Mate Society Ceremony would take place.

"Well you took long enough!" my mother huffed, grabbing my arm to drag me out and into the densely packed flow of bodies as the door automatically slid shut behind us. I blinked to gather my bearings as we walked down the hallway that led to all of the living pods in The Society, towards the Main Quad. The stark white hall was filled with chatter regarding the upcoming ceremony. With it being the most important time of the year besides Founders Day, I wasn't surprised with the amount of excitement that sizzled in the air.

"Ay, if it isn't my man Thad!"

My head snapped over in the direction of the sound of my name, only for a smirk to spread across my face at the sight of my best friend, Mitty. The guy was pretty large, almost as tall as me despite the soft sound of his name. Everyone called him Mit, and if you were caught dead making fun of his name, well they say most don't live to tell the tale.

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