Farming and Interrogation

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The Hedgehog that confronted me at the village is a woman named Cheryl.

According to Cheryl several Hedgehogs have been taken by a bandit leader nicknamed The Hyena who has been terrorizing the nearby villages for several months now.

By Kidnapping people from the nearby town, The Hyena can use them as hostages to demand money and food from the villages in exchange for not hurting their loved ones.

"So can you really get rid of The Hyena?" Cheryl asks, "As the chief in command of this village, I swear that the village will join your Empire if you save our people."

According to Cheryl, The Hyena sends goons to collect "Taxes" Once a week. The goons should arrive on schedule two days from now.

The current plan is to place a group of Storm Guards in this village, While the goons come to collect payment from the villagers, The guards in wait will capture them for interrogation.

We should be fine to wait for a few more days, You can't just build a Storm Base in a day.

While waiting for the days to pass, I had the Soldiers train in their combat formations. Just because your not fighting now, doesn't mean your allowed to be rusty.

While waiting, I also sent more groups to other nearby villages. One village of hedgehogs has swore themselves immediately when they learned that I plan to liberate them from The Hyena. While a village of Bipedal Turtles decided to join for the job benefits.

Currently a Turtle named Hank is working on a research on the affects of Magic plants on the soil they grow in.

After a nice discussion with the middle aged turtle, I learned that the Turtle species is long lived and has minor, soil related, magical abilities.

Hank is forty years old, which according to him is considered young in Turtle Society. The Human equivalent to a college student, or early twenties. The Magical Abilities of turtles also allow them to soften and enrich the ground, even changing the mineral composition in the soil in some cases.

Once that Village joined, I immediately had all unemployed citizens above the age of 19 make farms for crops. I paid them obviously, And they gladly started. Some for the money, while others were sent by the older members of the village so they could start actually doing something.

The Unemployment rate in turtle society is fairly high apparently.


While having a conversation with Strife about how the construction of the Storm Base of Kings Landing is going, I got a messenger from the group of Guards I deployed at the Hedgehog village.

Two people, A Dog and a Hyena entered the village and were apprehended by the new guards in place after being recognized as the goons sent by The Hyena in order to collect "Taxes"

After Taking a smaller airship towards the village in order to quicken the journey, I landed and met up with the group stationed there.

"Your Majesty, We have Apprehended the criminals sent by The Hyena, What should we do with them?" The Guard I placed in charge of the small group reported when I approached.

Looking around the village before answering, I see the children talking with some of the researchers that joined the group here, I recognize Gary as one of them. While the other Hedgehogs seem to be looking in wonder at the ship I came in on.

It's a smaller ship, Designed for faster, short distance travel. I had ships like these stashed in the hulls of the larger Cargo ships in the fleet.

Now that we are on land, We can actually work on building an Airship Carrier to carry these smaller ships.

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