The Irreversible Change: No Bloodshed

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He won, completely and utterly.

What he thought would be the hardest challenge for his conquest of the continent ended in an hour.

The Storm King has taken over Abyssinia.

One nation down, two more to go.

The Zebra nation of the Savannah, Farasi.

And the Hippogriff island nation of the tropical coast, Hippogriffia.

And with one of the Giraffe King's three legendary artifacts already under his control and another on the way, things seem to be going well for our conqueror king.

So well in fact, that when something troublesome finally happened, he was relieved he no longer needed to expect it.

It was during the after-battle feast, organized by the best chefs of the newly official Storm Empire, and the best chefs from the castle of Panthera.

The feast hosted the leaders of the empire, Including but not limited to, King Meowmere, Queen Mittens, Minister Softpaws, Princess Lavender the Hippo, The leaders of The Argonauts, Several of the Storm King's military captains, Lord Strife, and finally The Storm King himself.


After eating the delicious and most-likely expensive food from the table, the Storm King stood up and tapped his glass to catch everybody's attention.

He sat at the head of the table, on the opposite head sat King Meowmere, trying his hardest to make himself look smaller.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to make a toast," The King began once all the eyes of the feast were on him, everybody chose to remain silent as to the fact that his wine-glass was filled with water instead of the alcoholic beverage it was named after.

"Today, just an hour earlier, our two nations have joined and became one," He said, and the Storm Army side of the table clapped politely to his words, only King Meowmere clapped from the Abyssinian side of the table, ignoring the looks of disappointment from his wife and advisors.

"Play along," Meowmere wanted to tell them, "He won't kill us if we do what he asks, we might even keep our nation," But he knew that he couldn't tell them that at this time, too afraid of interrupting The Storm King.

"And it is thanks to the wonderful work of every single person at this table that such a day could end without bloodshed," The Storm King smiled, and Meowmere forced himself to smile with him, the looks from his advisors and wife searing into him with their unbearable disappointment.

How Pitiful King Meowmere must have looked to the untrained eye, but Both Kings at the table knew that King Meowmere playing along with The Storm King's demands were the only thing allowing him to keep the golden headpiece that laid atop his head.

"And for such wonderful planning, and the genius to tactically surrender without endangering his people, I would like to reward my new friend Meowmere," The Storm King said, and all the eyes at the table moved to the Cat King.

"I will allow you to continue ruling your nation, You may keep the crown on your head," The Storm King told him, and Meowmere gulped the saliva that built up in his mouth, leaving it as dry as a desert. He knew what he was hearing was too good to be true, and he waited for the catch.

"You may keep the nation, but you must dismantle the army, you will listen to every word I say and you will follow it to the letter, any new law you wish to implement will go through me, any change of budget you wish to make will go through me first," He told him, and King Meowmere nodded his head quickly.

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