Speaking with a very old turtle

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After kicking the soldiers that were sent to the quarry into hurrying the search for The Hyena, I thought about what was needed next.

I got the local villages to pledge their allegiance to me.

I got the food problem mostly sorted out thanks to the turtles unique magic.

I got the captured bandits into the new quarry to mine for rocks and minerals. We can't really put them in a prison cell when we don't have a prison, sadly.

The Hostages from The Hyena's bandit hideout have been sent home. Most of them at least. One of the hedgehogs doesn't remember where he lived and The Okapi doesn't live in the Area.

Strife is currently striking a deal with them. They will join my empire and take board on my fleet, and if we ever pass near their village, They'll be allowed to go home.

In a few days the fleet will continue north, towards the desert. We will make another stop before reaching the Scorching Sands of Abyssinia, but we do need to continue the conquest.

We'll be leaving a few ships here at Kings Landing and also build another Base at the Desert Border, Where the grass turns into sand. Desert Border will also probably be the name of that Storm Base.

I believe I will stay here for another week before setting off.


At the top of a cliff facing one of the Hedgehog villages, If you listen closely you could hear the sounds of a woman grunting in effort.

If you dare look down the cliff, You will also see that below you is an Aardwolf, A hyena looking creature of small stature, known to eat insects instead of larger animal carcasses, climbing up the side of the cliff.

A red mask is covering here eyes, and above it a black bandana is pushing her hair down, leaving her ears, mouth and snout exposed.

In her hands are two large fishhook shaped tools, each connected to a rope that is tied around her wrist.

The only other pieces of equipment on her body are a dark grey tube top around her chest and black trousers.

Oh yes, She is also carrying a bag full of dynamite on her back.

Wonder what she needs that for.

As The Hyena reaches the top of the cliff, She looks over it to see her target.

"So that is the storm that took away all my money and men, When I get my chance it shall be burned to the ground.
I need to teach them this lesson somehow.
You don't mess with The Hyena"

And then she stalks towards a small forest at the top of the cliff.


While reading a document sent by one of the researchers who decided to specialize in Ancient History, I get a knock on the door.

"Come in." I call out. If they had to go all the way to my new, temporary office, in the communications room on the ship. Then it must be important.

The door open slightly and I turn to see who it is.

At the door is a young turtle man with small glasses on his head, he is holding in open to what seems to be the oldest turtle in the village, If how slow she is walking and how big her shell is are anything to go by.

How I started a war in a children cartoon. (OCSI x My Little Pony)Where stories live. Discover now