Twiga's Treasure

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"Your Majesty!" Jason yelled as he saluted me after I jumped off the airship that flew me here, followed closely by the rest of the Argonauts.

I see that most of the "foot-soldiers" in the Argonauts are keeping a perimeter around the temple.

Although, It looks less like a temple and more like a large Cave dug into the side of a cliff, covered in mossy statues of the Giraffe King.

"Captain Jason," I nodded to the guy I placed in charge of running the Argonauts, "You said that a Pony was seen trying to get this treasure as well. Where are they?"

"Sir! Once we learned of the Pony searching for the Artifact, we made sure to secure the temple and the surrounding jungle!" He said loudly, not letting go of his salute.

"I see, You know that Equestria must not learn of what we are doing here in Afcari, should that Pony deliver news to that Princess Celestia of hers, our whole livelihoods could be put at stake," I told him in a loud whisper, making sure only he could hear what was said.

He nodded his head, "Yes your Majesty, If the ponies learn of your plan for World Domination, they will stop at nothing in order to stop you," He whispered back at me.

"I Know," I continued, before speaking louder in order for the rest of the Argonauts to hear me, "Which is why that pony must be captured, we cannot let them sneak around like a rat.
Jason! I want you to come with me, we will be entering the temple and collecting the artifact now. The rest of you are to wait here," I told the Argonauts, before turning my head at some of the newer recruits from Abyssinia.

"Dioscuri, you two will be tasked with hunting down the pony that has been searching here," I told the Cat sibling.

"Did you hear that Castor? The Storm King is giving us a mission!" The Sphynx whispered excitedly to the red-furred sibling of hers.

The other cat merely hummed in acknowledgment.

"Bring her to me," I told the cats, "Alive."

And so I turned away from them and marched in the direction of the temple, quickly followed by Jason and a small squad of regular soldiers.


The Crystal Sword of King Twiga is the final artifact of his that Isn't already in my grasp.

His Ruby Crown allows me to see anything that is known by a living creature.

His Orisa Eye, an Amber pendant allows me control over sand, a powerful artifact that I have spent the last three months training to control relentlessly, overseen by it's previous guardian, Kasa the Turtle.

Each one of his three Artifacts was given to a general of his after his death.

The Pendant given to the Turtle General.

The Crown given to the Breezie General.

And the Sword given to the Abada General.

I do not know what the sword does, but whatever it may be, it required the construction of a temple for it's protection.

So it must be powerful.


Sneaking through the brush of the jungle, The pony crept ever closer to the entrance of the temple.

The only thing standing in her way was an empty clearing, where she will be exposed as soon as she runs through.

How I started a war in a children cartoon. (OCSI x My Little Pony)Where stories live. Discover now