Chapter 7 : Dear Mr P

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He said "Why don't you believe me?" I said "because I don't trust people. Now leave me alone please we got work to do." The day went on, the hospital was packed as usual. After knocking off from work I went home. When I got home  they were already serving dinner. At the dinner table Ryan noticed how uneasy I was. He said"my love what's wrong? Are you enjoying the food?" I said"yeah I am." Kate looked at me so evilly. She said "So how's the baby? Are you sure you won't lose another now?" I said "Lalela Wena rubbish, I'm not your friend or anything. Don't you dare, futhi Ryan why don't you hold your dog." she said "what the fuck, uyahlanya bitchykhazi!" she stood up and threw food at me. I stood up and grabbed her breast, squeezed them by the time I was about to throw the plate at her. Ryan stood up and held me back. I said "Fuck you Wena! You come into my house, telling me nonsense. Ryan is my husband and I'm not gonna lower my standards for a man. I got my own uzofa la'kimi. Soze not in my house." Ryan "Hayi man! Ciara! Ciara! Thula please! Control yourself I'm still your husband." I said "Wena? Still my husband? I don't even consider you mine, matter of fact why the fuck am I still here! With you? Yhoo Yazini, yazini..." I was boiling and not because of Ryan but also because of P. Ryan said "Hayi Wena you can't speak like that. You disrespecting me! Fork Wena!" I laughed and said "Fork nawe! Yazini do me a favor and keep your little dog far away from me Ngoba I'll show her who the fuck am I." I existed the dining room as I went up stairs I heard them arguing. As I was about to sleep P called. I look at my cell phone until it stopped ringing than I fell asleep. After a while someone knocked at the door downstairs. Ryan came in my room and woke me up, he says "someone is looking for you." I woke up and went downstairs, to be honest I had no idea who it was. Ryan followed me and said "He's in the living room." when I got there it was P I took a deep breath and said "What are you doing here?" P looked at me so lovingly and said "I was just checking on you Mrs Coleman." Ryan looked at us and said "Oh so now you inviting your ex in our house baby." I look at Ryan and said "Please respect yourself enough to know that even if I can also hoe, I wouldn't do it dumb like you." He stepped close to me and said "You hurt about me having kids with an outsider Mrs Coleman." I said "No I'm sorry for myself that you cheat with people who are afraid to touch your ego. You do not scare me not even a little. Never will I compare myself to girls you see outside of our marriage because I know I'm that bitch that your ego needs to pull up on. You think you manly because you got multiple woman on your side wow. How so low of you but hey who am I to judge a man who can't handle himself. " He looked with so much anger and said" Who you tryna impress huh?" I said" Your little ego that you afraid to hurt. I see you don't see how in love I am with you. You really take my love for granted and it's okay because one day I'll vanish like thin air. " P said" Guys please stop arguing just relax." Ryan said" I'm a man Ciara what do you expect." I said" I'm your woman I deserve to be respected and understood." Ryan" You never talk " Ciara" You never listen when I do." Ryan" look we'll speak just finish your business with your EX in my HOUSE CIARA LOVEMORE COLEMAN!" He left and P suddenly held my hands. He said" are you okay?" I said" yeah, so what are you here for? " I moved away my hands from him. He looked at me and smiled. I laughed and said" what's wrong?" he said" I'm looking at your belly it reminds me of us." I dropped a tear and said" us? Wow don't you mean our child." he kissed my stomach and said" yes." I looked at him and said" Well in this house I don't feel like I'm expecting a baby." he said" Don't worry princess I'm here for you" I set down next to him and we crossed eyes. We suddenly kissed, it was the most beautiful moment. I felt all types of emotions. I felt safe, loved, appreciated, beautiful and happy. After our long kiss I touched his face and said "I wouldn't be here if you didn't go." he said"I know my love but you can divorce him for me." I immediately got up and said" For you?" he said" yes who else?" I said", You not better than him you left me! When I thought we'd be together forever you left me!" he said "Lower your voice and you know I had no choice." I said "When I leave this man I'm taking time to focus on myself than I'll think about other things." He said "Okay but you know you mine."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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