VIII: StrawbeLia

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"Shuhua! How was your first day of work?"

Lia worriedly asked as soon as Shuhua parked her bicycle.

"Oh well--"

"Did they hurt you? Why do you have fucking bandages on your cheeks?!"

"Oh it's because--"

"Why do you have a bruise here?! Did they hurt you!?"

"Dad actually--"

"Have you eaten? You look thin!"

"No I'm hung--"

"Karin reserve the nearest good fucking restaurant right the fuck now so after the last subject we'll eat and Shuhua will go to work without starving!"

"On it!"

Karina grabbed her phone and began to dial her mother so she can recommend a good restaurant.

"Do you need something to drink? I have coffee!"

"Oh thank--"

Lia shoved the straw on Shuhua's lips as the girl sipped quietly.

She's used to seeing Lia being so overprotective like a mother that this doesn't phase her anymore.

Karina finished reserving as they walked together in the building.

"Look at those jocks."

Karina rolled her eyes.

"What the fuck you looking at freak!"

Some of the jocks shouted.

"Play with each other's balls bitch! Don't annoy me or else I'll let you know that coach is using your shower gel for fucking Ms. Apple!"

Shuhua spits her ice coffee.

"The old wrinkly science teacher?"

Shuhua whispered in shock as Lia nods.

"Ooh girl, they were fucking up the storm, every classroom except the Music room smelled like crap."

Karina muttered as she pushed past the goth.

"Not that I'm telling you to for once look up and not just listen, but just so you know? The nerds were planning to throw a valentine's party... And they said they like you."

"I don't like boys..."

"I know sweetie, Karina handles it."


Karina pushed the cheerleaders away from Shuhua as they were about to call her names.

"Move it bitch!"

Karina shouts as she grabs Shuhua's waist and walked away with her.

Lia stopped and glared at the cheerleader who ran away.


Lia whipped her hair and followed the two.

Shuhua flushed the toilet and went out of the stall.

"Hey, nerd."

"Oh... Hey Alexandra..."

Shuhua mumbled before walking towards the sink.

Alexandra gesture to Becky to drag Shuhua towards the swimming pool.

Becky with the help of Reign grabbed Shuhua's hair and dragged her out of the bathroom with Alexandra tailing.


Shuhua shouts as she felt the hot cement floor.

The girls laughed.

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